2018-09-12 22:56:50 +08:00
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">
2018-12-06 21:44:50 +08:00
2018-12-29 02:28:28 +08:00
2018-12-06 21:44:50 +08:00
2018-09-12 22:56:50 +08:00
<!--FontFamily Dictionary-->
<FontFamily x:Key="Font">
<!--String Dictionary-->
<sys:String x:Key="OK">
<sys:String x:Key="Cancel">
<sys:String x:Key="Refuse">
<sys:String x:Key="DonateBtn">
Thanks developer and donate a dinner
<sys:String x:Key="Exit">
<sys:String x:Key="UpdateNow">
Update Now
<sys:String x:Key="Ignore">
<sys:String x:Key="TitleName">
CMWTAT Digital Edition
<sys:String x:Key="AppName">
CMWTAT Digital Edition V2
<sys:String x:Key="UpdateTitle">
A new version available!
<sys:String x:Key="CurrentVersion">
Current Version
<sys:String x:Key="LatestVersion">
Latest Version
<sys:String x:Key="Auto_Mode">
Auto Mode
<sys:String x:Key="Manual_Mode">
Manual Mode
<sys:String x:Key="Activate_Button">
<sys:String x:Key="Convert_versions">
Convert versions (Install Key without Activate)
<sys:String x:Key="test">
Test Text
<sys:String x:Key="Loading">
<sys:String x:Key="Activating">
<sys:String x:Key="Complete">
<sys:String x:Key="notifyIconTitle">
CloudMoe Windows 10 Activation Toolkit V2
<sys:String x:Key="Running">
<sys:String x:Key="Experimental">
<sys:String x:Key="Attention">
<sys:String x:Key="System_Edition">
System edition
<sys:String x:Key="May_be_not_be_supported">
Unable to correctly identify your operating system edition in support list, may be not be supported.
<sys:String x:Key="Only_find_experimental">
2018-12-06 21:44:50 +08:00
Only found experimental options that can be used with this operating system edition, little hope of activation success.
2018-09-12 22:56:50 +08:00
<sys:String x:Key="notify_May_be_not_be_supported_try">
Your system edition may not be supported, program will exit. you can try add --expact or -e to startup.
<sys:String x:Key="notify_May_be_not_be_supported_exit">
Your system edition may not be supported, program will exit.
<sys:String x:Key="notify_Disconnect_to_server_exit">
Unable to connect to server, Please check the network and try to try again later, program will exit.
<sys:String x:Key="Disconnect_to_server_exit">
Unable to connect to server, Please check the network and try to try again later, program will exit.
<sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Converting">
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Activating">
<sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Getting_Key">
Getting Key via Internet
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_Key">
Getting Key via Internet
<sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Uninstalling_old_Key">
Uninstalling old Key
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Uninstalling_old_Key">
Uninstalling old Key
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Uninstalling_old_Key_Exp">
Uninstalling old Key (Experimental)
<sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Installing_Key">
Installing Key
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Installing_Key">
Installing Key
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_edition_code_Exp">
Getting edition code (Experimental)
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Prepare_for_the_next_step_Exp">
Prepare for the next step (Experimental)
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Writing_old_OS">
Writing feature of old Windows version
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_free_upgrade_permissions">
Getting free upgrade permissions
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Cleaning_changes">
Cleaning changes
<sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_digital_license">
Getting digital license
<sys:String x:Key="CompleteTitle">
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorTitle">
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorCode">
<sys:String x:Key="SysMsg">
System return:
DO NOT USE ANY Indentation in Preserve Mode, Please!
<sys:String x:Key="HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
2018-12-29 02:28:28 +08:00
This application now supports the use of console args to startup! -a	--auto		Auto activate. -h	--hide		Run with hide mode (Only be worked with -auto). -e	--expact		Experimental activation. -l	--log		Output log to file. -?	--help		Show this help Dialog.
2018-09-12 22:56:50 +08:00
<sys:String x:Key="DonateTextConverted" xml:space="preserve">
Congratulation! Windows 10 has been successful converted.
<sys:String x:Key="DonateTextActivated" xml:space="preserve">
Congratulation! Windows 10 has been successful activated.
<sys:String x:Key="UpdateText" xml:space="preserve">
We found a new version for CloudMoe Windows 10 Activation Toolkit Digital Edition. Please update to the latest version to make sure it works.
<sys:String x:Key="UpdateMustText" xml:space="preserve">
We found a new version for CloudMoe Windows 10 Activation Toolkit Digital Edition. And because your version is too old, so you MUST update to the latest version to make sure it works.
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-0" xml:space="preserve">
Activate Windows 10 requires a network to gets the product key :)
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-1" xml:space="preserve">
Cannot to uninstall old key. :(
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-1.1" xml:space="preserve">
Cannot to install key, may be you choose or enter a incorrect version. :(
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-1.2" xml:space="preserve">
Cannot to get edition code. :(
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-2" xml:space="preserve">
Cannot to install key, may be you choose or enter a incorrect version. :(
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-3" xml:space="preserve">
Time out, may be you choose or enter a incorrect version. :(
<sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-4" xml:space="preserve">
Activation Failed. :( Maybe: 1.This edition/version of Windows does not support digital license activation. 2. Unable to connect to Microsoft Windows Activation Server. 3. Other unexpected problems. You can try to wait a minute or try again later.
2018-12-06 21:44:50 +08:00
<sys:String x:Key="Only_find_ltok" xml:space="preserve">
Only found Long-Term Offline KMS (LTOK) options that can be used with this operating system edition. This means that it will not be activate automatically after you reinstalled the system. But don't worry, this is different from the legacy KMS activation method (it can keep activating for 180 days in offline environment). LTOK (The prefix is Offline-KMS) can keep activating for up to 19 years even it is without networking!
<sys:String x:Key="DonateTextWillActivated" xml:space="preserve">
Congratulation! Windows 10 is ready to activate. However, it seems that Windows cannot connect to the Microsoft Activation Server. Your system will be activated automatically the next time the server is connected.
2018-09-12 22:56:50 +08:00