- major refactoring round done
- added replace actions for volumes
- added better Intel signature handling
- added support for unsigned Aptio capsules
- more GUIDs added to known-GUIDs database
- more information about PE and TE sections
- shown information about item full size
- hexadecimal numbers format changed from 0xAB to ABh
- AppleCRC renamed to ZVCRC because it seems not Apple-specific feature
after all
- added new FFS GUID found new in Apple EFI images
- added PDR region parsing as BIOS space (Apple feature again)
- changed default directory for saving to the directory containing opened file
- focus and cursor position are now set properly for GUID tab in search dialog
- search dialog resized to fit the whole GUID
- codebase cleaned form unnecessary spaces
- updated EFI11/Tiano compression and decompression code to UDK2014
- UEFIPatch rewritten to support offset-based patches and patterns with
placeholder symbols