- hex numbers are printed uppercase
- empty paddings are shown as Empty(0x00) or Empty(0xFF)
- volume size is determined by FvLength header field only
- spaces are now allowed for hex pattern search
- another messages clean-up
- messages windows scrolls to bottom after showMessages() call
- hexadecimal numbers have 0x prefix
- error messages are more human-friendly
- added various checks for data inside paddings and volume free space
- flash chip IDs from VSCC table of descriptor region showed in information window
- added new FFS GUID found new in Apple EFI images
- added PDR region parsing as BIOS space (Apple feature again)
- changed default directory for saving to the directory containing opened file
- focus and cursor position are now set properly for GUID tab in search dialog
- search dialog resized to fit the whole GUID
- codebase cleaned form unnecessary spaces