const scriptName = '饿了么'; const getCoordinateRegex1 = /^https?:\/\/air\.tb\.ele\.me\/app\/conch-page\/svip-home-tasklist-new\/home\?.*longitude=([^&]*).*latitude=([^&]*)/; const getCoordinateRegex2 = /^https?:\/\/tb\.ele\.me\/wow\/alsc\/mod\/.*longitude=([^&]*).*latitude=([^&]*)/; const getCoordinateRegex3 = /^https?:\/\/h5\.ele\.me\/restapi\/biz\.svip_scene\/svip\/engine\/queryTrafficSupply\?.*longitude=([^&]*).*latitude=([^&]*)/; const getCookiesRegex = /^https?:\/\/air\.tb\.ele\.me\/app\/conch-page\/svip-foodie-card\/home/; const elemeCookieKey = 'eleme_cookies'; const elemeCoordinateKey = 'eleme_coordinate'; const elemeMissionKey = 'eleme_mission'; const elemeSyncQinglongKey = 'eleme_sync_qinglong'; const elemeTaskKey = "eleme_task_keywords"; let currentUserId = ""; let currentCookies = ""; let currentCoordinate = null; const $ = MagicJS(scriptName, "INFO"); function getUserId(cookies) { if (!!cookies) { let userId = /USERID=(\d*)/.exec(cookies)[1]; $`当前UserId:${userId}`); return userId; } } async function getCoordinate() { try { $.logger.debug(`当前获取的header\n${$.request.headers}`); currentUserId = getUserId($.request.headers.Cookie); let hisCoordinate = $, "", currentUserId); arr = $.request.url.match(getCoordinateRegex1); if (arr && arr.length < 2) { arr = $.request.url.match(getCoordinateRegex2); } if (arr && arr.length < 2) { arr = $.request.url.match(getCoordinateRegex3); } const longitude = arr[1]; const latitude = arr[2]; if (!hisCoordinate || (!!hisCoordinate && (hisCoordinate.longitude !== longitude || hisCoordinate.latitude !== latitude))) { $.data.write(elemeCoordinateKey, { longitude, latitude }, currentUserId); $"更新坐标成功"); } const syncQinglong = $, false); if (syncQinglong === true) { // 获取青龙面板存储的坐标 hisCoordinate = await $, "", currentUserId); if (!hisCoordinate || (!!hisCoordinate && (hisCoordinate.longitude !== longitude || hisCoordinate.latitude !== latitude))) { await $.qinglong.write(elemeCoordinateKey, { longitude, latitude }, currentUserId); $"同步坐标至青龙面板成功"); } } } catch (err) { $.notify('获取坐标出现异常,请查阅日志。'); $.logError(`获取坐标出现执行异常,异常信息:${err}`); } } async function getCookies() { try { const cookie = $.request.headers.Cookie; $`本次运行获取的新Cookies\n${cookie}`); currentUserId = getUserId(cookie); const compareCookie2 = !!cookie ? /cookie2=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/.exec(cookie)[1] : null; // 获取存储池中的旧Cookie let hisCookie = $, "", currentUserId); $`存储池中旧的Cookies\n${hisCookie}`); if (!!cookie) { if (!hisCookie) { $.data.write(elemeCookieKey, cookie, currentUserId); $"Cookie获取成功!"); } else { const compareHisCookie2 = !!hisCookie ? /cookie2=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/.exec(hisCookie)[1] : null; $`用于比较Cookie变化\n新:${compareCookie2}\n旧:${compareHisCookie2}`); if (compareCookie2 !== compareHisCookie2) { $.data.write(elemeCookieKey, cookie, currentUserId); $"Cookie更新成功!"); } } if ($, false) === true) { hisCookie = await $, "", currentUserId); $`青龙面板中旧的Cookies\n${hisCookie}`); if (!hisCookie) { await $.qinglong.write(elemeCookieKey, cookie, currentUserId); $"Cookie同步至青龙面板成功!"); } else { const compareHisCookie2 = !!hisCookie ? /cookie2=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/.exec(hisCookie)[1] : null; $`用于比较Cookie变化\n新:${compareCookie2}\n旧:${compareHisCookie2}`); if (compareCookie2 !== compareHisCookie2) { await $.qinglong.write(elemeCookieKey, cookie, currentUserId); $"Cookie同步至青龙面板成功!"); } } } } else { $.logger.warning('没有获取到有效的Cookies,Surge请关闭MITM over HTTP/2') } } catch (err) { $.logger.error(`获取Cookies出现异常\n${err}`); } } function addConfig(config) { currentCoordinate = currentCoordinate || $, "", currentUserId); config.headers.Cookie = currentCookies; config.headers["x-shard"] = `loc=${currentCoordinate.longitude},${currentCoordinate.latitude}`; return config; } $.http.interceptors.request.use(addConfig); // 获取待领取的吃货豆列表 function getPeaList() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { currentCoordinate = currentCoordinate || $, "", currentUserId); $.http.get({ url: `${currentCoordinate.longitude}&latitude=${currentCoordinate.latitude}`, headers: { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Rajax/1 Apple/iPhone10,3 iOS/14.2 Eleme/9.3.8", "f-pTraceId": "WVNet_WV_2-3-74", "f-refer": "wv_h5" } }).then(resp => { const obj = resp.body; if (obj.success === true) { let peaList = []; obj.foodiePeaBlock.peaList.forEach(element => { peaList.push({ 'id':, 'count': element.count, 'description': element.description }); }); $`获取待领取的吃货豆成功:${JSON.stringify(peaList)}`); resolve(peaList); } else { const msg = `获取待领取的吃货豆失败\n${JSON.stringify(obj)}`; $.logger.warning(msg); reject(msg); } }).catch(err => { const msg = `获取待领取的吃货豆出现异常\n${err}`; $.logger.error(msg); reject(msg); }) }) } // 领取吃货豆 function drawPea(peaId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { currentCoordinate = currentCoordinate || $, "", currentUserId); ${ url: `${peaId}`, headers: { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Rajax/1 Apple/iPhone10,3 iOS/14.2 Eleme/9.3.8", "f-pTraceId": "WVNet_WV_2-3-73", "f-refer": "wv_h5" }, body: JSON.stringify(currentCoordinate) }).then(resp => { const obj = resp.body; if (obj.success === true) { $`领取吃货豆成功\n${JSON.stringify(obj)}`); resolve(true); } else { const msg = `领取吃货豆失败\n${JSON.stringify(obj)}`; $.logger.warning(msg); reject(msg) } }).catch(err => { const msg = `领取吃货豆异常\n${err}`; $.logger.error(msg); reject(msg) }) }) } // 获取超级会员任务列表 function getSuperVipMissions() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 获取配置的任务关键词 let taskKeywords = $, "美食外卖"); $`只获取含有以下关键词的任务:${taskKeywords}`); taskKeywords = taskKeywords.split(';'); // 获取坐标 currentCoordinate = currentCoordinate || $, "", currentUserId); $.http.get({ url: `${currentCoordinate.longitude}&latitude=${currentCoordinate.latitude}`, headers: { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Rajax/1 Apple/iPhone10,3 iOS/14.2 Eleme/9.3.8", "f-pTraceId": "WVNet_WV_2-3-30", "f-refer": "wv_h5" }, }).then(resp => { const obj = resp.body; if (obj && obj.missions) { let result = []; obj.missions.forEach((element) => { let missionInfo = JSON.stringify(element); let flag = false; for (keyword of taskKeywords) { if (missionInfo.indexOf(keyword) >= 0) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag === true) { result.push(element.mission_id); } }); resolve(result); } else { const msg = `获取待领取的会员任务失败\n${JSON.stringify(obj)}`; $.logger.warning(msg); reject(msg); } }).catch(err => { const msg = `获取待领取的会员任务异常\n${JSON.stringify(err)}`; $.logger.error(msg); reject(msg); }) }); } // 接受超级会员任务列表中的任务 function acceptMission(missionId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const _mission_id = encodeURIComponent(missionId); // 获取坐标 currentCoordinate = currentCoordinate || $, "", currentUserId); ${ url: `${_mission_id}`, headers: { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Rajax/1 Apple/iPhone10,3 iOS/14.5.1 Eleme/9.8.5", "f-pTraceId": "WVNet_WV_1-1-40", "f-refer": "wv_h5" }, body: currentCoordinate, }).then(resp => { const obj = resp.body; if (obj.success === true) { $`领取会员任务成功,任务Id:${missionId},任务描述:${obj.mission.checkout_description}`); resolve(obj.mission.checkout_description); } else { const msg = `领取会员任务失败,任务Id:${missionId}\n${JSON.stringify(obj)}`; $.logger.warning(msg); reject(msg); } }).catch(err => { const msg = `领取会员任务异常,任务Id:${missionId}\n${err}`; $.logger.error(msg); reject(msg); }) }); } ; (async () => { if ($.isRequest) { if (( getCoordinateRegex1.test($.request.url) || getCoordinateRegex2.test($.request.url) || getCoordinateRegex3.test($.request.url) ) && $.request.method == "GET") { await getCoordinate(); } else if (getCookiesRegex.test($.request.url)) { await getCookies(); } } else { const allSessions = $.data.allSessions(elemeCookieKey); if (!allSessions) { const msg = "没有读取到需要执行的Cookies,请先打开饿了么获取!"; $.logger.warning(msg); $; } else { $`共${allSessions.length}个Cookies需要执行`); for (let [index, session] of allSessions.entries()) { $`正在执行第 ${index + 1} 个Cookie的任务`); let content = ""; currentUserId = session; currentCookies = $, "", session); // 获取待领取的吃货豆 $"开始领取吃货豆") let peaCount = 0; let drawPeaContent = ''; const peaList = await getPeaList(); if (!!peaList && peaList.length > 0) { let tasks = []; peaList.forEach(pea => { tasks.push($.utils.retry(drawPea, 3, 500)( => { peaCount += pea.count; drawPeaContent += `\n${pea.description}-${pea.count}吃货豆-领取成功`; }).catch(() => { drawPeaContent += `\n${pea.description}-${pea.count}吃货豆-领取失败`; })); }); await Promise.all(tasks).then(() => { content = `本次共领取吃货豆${peaCount}个`; $; }) } else { const msg = "没发现待领取的吃货豆"; content = msg; $; } // 根据关键词领取任务 if ($, true) === true) { const missionIds = await $.utils.retry(getSuperVipMissions, 3, 1000)().catch(err => { $; }); if (!!missionIds && missionIds.length > 0) { $`匹配关键词的任务Id:\n${JSON.stringify(missionIds)}`); content += !!content? "\n": ""; content += "会员任务领取结果:\n"; for (let missionId of missionIds) { await $.utils.retry(acceptMission, 3, 1000)(missionId).then((desc) => { content += desc; }).catch(err => { $; }) } } } $`${scriptName} - ${currentUserId}`, "", content); $`第 ${index + 1} 个Cookie任务执行完毕`); } } } $.done(); })(); /** * * $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ * $$$\ $$$ | \__| \__$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ ___$$\ * $$$$\ $$$$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__| \_/ $$ | * $$\$$\$$ $$ | \____$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ _____| $$ |\$$$$$$\ $$$$$ / * $$ \$$$ $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ |$$ |$$ / $$\ $$ | \____$$\ \___$$\ * $$ |\$ /$$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ | $$\ $$ | * $$ | \_/ $$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\\$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ | \$$$$$$ | * \__| \__| \_______| \____$$ |\__| \_______|\______/ \______/ \______/ * $$\ $$ | * \$$$$$$ | * \______/ * */ function MagicJS(e = "MagicJS", t = "INFO") { const r = () => { const e = typeof $loon !== "undefined"; const t = typeof $task !== "undefined"; const n = typeof module !== "undefined"; const r = typeof $httpClient !== "undefined" && !e; const i = typeof $storm !== "undefined"; const o = typeof $environment !== "undefined" && typeof $environment["stash-build"] !== "undefined"; const s = r || e || i || o; const a = typeof importModule !== "undefined"; return { isLoon: e, isQuanX: t, isNode: n, isSurge: r, isStorm: i, isStash: o, isSurgeLike: s, isScriptable: a, get name() { if (e) { return "Loon" } else if (t) { return "QuantumultX" } else if (n) { return "NodeJS" } else if (r) { return "Surge" } else if (a) { return "Scriptable" } else { return "unknown" } }, get build() { if (r) { return $environment["surge-build"] } else if (o) { return $environment["stash-build"] } else if (i) { return $storm.buildVersion } }, get language() { if (r || o) { return $environment["language"] } }, get version() { if (r) { return $environment["surge-version"] } else if (o) { return $environment["stash-version"] } else if (i) { return $storm.appVersion } else if (n) { return process.version } }, get system() { if (r) { return $environment["system"] } else if (n) { return process.platform } }, get systemVersion() { if (i) { return $storm.systemVersion } }, get deviceName() { if (i) { return $storm.deviceName } } } }; const i = (n, e = "INFO") => { let r = e; const i = { SNIFFER: 6, DEBUG: 5, INFO: 4, NOTIFY: 3, WARNING: 2, ERROR: 1, CRITICAL: 0, NONE: -1 }; const o = { SNIFFER: "", DEBUG: "", INFO: "", NOTIFY: "", WARNING: "❗ ", ERROR: "❌ ", CRITICAL: "❌ ", NONE: "" }; const t = (e, t = "INFO") => { if (!(i[r] < i[t.toUpperCase()])) console.log(`[${t}] [${n}]\n${o[t.toUpperCase()]}${e}\n`) }; const s = e => { r = e }; return { setLevel: s, sniffer: e => { t(e, "SNIFFER") }, debug: e => { t(e, "DEBUG") }, info: e => { t(e, "INFO") }, notify: e => { t(e, "NOTIFY") }, warning: e => { t(e, "WARNING") }, error: e => { t(e, "ERROR") }, retry: e => { t(e, "RETRY") } } }; return new class { constructor(e, t) { this._startTime =; this.version = "3.0.0"; this.scriptName = e; this.env = r(); this.logger = i(e, t); this.http = typeof MagicHttp === "function" ? MagicHttp(this.env, this.logger) : undefined; = typeof MagicData === "function" ? MagicData(this.env, this.logger) : undefined; this.notification = typeof MagicNotification === "function" ? MagicNotification(this.scriptName, this.env, this.logger, this.http) : undefined; this.utils = typeof MagicUtils === "function" ? MagicUtils(this.env, this.logger) : undefined; this.qinglong = typeof MagicQingLong === "function" ? MagicQingLong(this.env,, this.logger) : undefined; if (typeof !== "undefined") { let e ="magic_loglevel"); const n ="magic_bark_url"); if (e) { this.logger.setLevel(e.toUpperCase()) } if (n) { this.notification.setBark(n) } } } get isRequest() { return typeof $request !== "undefined" && typeof $response === "undefined" } get isResponse() { return typeof $response !== "undefined" } get isDebug() { return this.logger.level === "DEBUG" } get request() { return typeof $request !== "undefined" ? $request : undefined } get response() { if (typeof $response !== "undefined") { if ($response.hasOwnProperty("status")) $response["statusCode"] = $response["status"]; if ($response.hasOwnProperty("statusCode")) $response["status"] = $response["statusCode"]; return $response } else { return undefined } } done = (e = {}) => { this._endTime =; let t = (this._endTime - this._startTime) / 1e3;`SCRIPT COMPLETED: ${t} S.`); if (typeof $done !== "undefined") { $done(e) } } }(e, t) } function MagicHttp(u, c) { const t = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"; const n = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.59"; let f; if (u.isNode) { const a = require("axios"); f = a.create() } class e { constructor(e = true) { this.handlers = []; this.isRequest = e } use(e, t, n) { this.handlers.push({ fulfilled: e, rejected: t, synchronous: n ? n.synchronous : false, runWhen: n ? n.runWhen : null }); return this.handlers.length - 1 } eject(e) { if (this.handlers[e]) { this.handlers[e] = null } } forEach(t) { this.handlers.forEach(e => { if (e !== null) { t(e) } }) } } function r(e) { let n = { ...e }; if (!!n.params) { if (!u.isNode) { let e = Object.keys(n.params).map(e => { const t = encodeURIComponent(e); n.url = n.url.replace(new RegExp(`${e}=[^&]*`, "ig"), ""); n.url = n.url.replace(new RegExp(`${t}=[^&]*`, "ig"), ""); return `${t}=${encodeURIComponent(n.params[e])}` }).join("&"); if (n.url.indexOf("?") < 0) n.url += "?"; if (!/(&|\?)$/g.test(n.url)) { n.url += "&" } n.url += e; delete n.params; c.debug(`Params to QueryString: ${n.url}`) } } return n } const d = (e, t) => { let n = typeof t === "object" ? { headers: {}, ...t } : { url: t, headers: {} }; if (!n.method) { n["method"] = e } n = r(n); if (n["rewrite"] === true) { if (u.isSurge) { n.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"] = false; delete n["rewrite"] } else if (u.isQuanX) { n["hints"] = false; delete n["rewrite"] } } if (u.isSurge) { if (n["method"] !== "GET" && n.headers["Content-Type"].indexOf("application/json") >= 0 && n.body instanceof Array) { n.body = JSON.stringify(n.body); c.debug(`Convert Array object to String: ${n.body}`) } } else if (u.isQuanX) { if (n.hasOwnProperty("body") && typeof n["body"] !== "string") n["body"] = JSON.stringify(n["body"]); n["method"] = e } else if (u.isNode) { if (e === "POST" || e === "PUT" || e === "PATCH" || e === "DELETE") { = || n.body } else if (e === "GET") { n.params = n.params || n.body } delete n.body } return n }; const p = (t, n = null) => { if (t) { let e = { ...t, config: t.config || n, status: t.statusCode || t.status, body: t.body ||, headers: t.headers || t.header }; if (typeof e.body === "string") { try { e.body = JSON.parse(e.body) } catch { } } delete; return e } else { return t } }; const i = r => { if (!!r) { delete r["Content-Length"]; let e = new Set(["Accept", "Accept-CH", "Accept-Charset", "Accept-Features", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language", "Accept-Ranges", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Access-Control-Max-Age", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Access-Control-Request-Headers", "Age", "Allow", "Alternates", "Authorization", "Cache-Control", "Connection", "Content-Encoding", "Content-Language", "ontent-Length", "Content-Location", "Content-Range", "Content-Security-Policy", "Content-Type", "Cookie", "DNT", "Date", "ETag", "Expect", "Expires", "From", "Host", "If-Match", "If-Modified-Since", "If-None-Match", "If-Range", "If-Unmodified-Since", "Last-Event-ID", "Last-Modified", "Link", "Location", "Max-Forwards", "Negotiate", "Origin", "Pragma", "Proxy-Authenticate", "Proxy-Authorization", "Range", "Referer", "Retry-After", "Sec-Websocket-Extensions", "Sec-Websocket-Key", "Sec-Websocket-Origin", "Sec-Websocket-Protocol", "Sec-Websocket-Version", "Server", "Set-Cookie", "Set-Cookie2", "Strict-Transport-Security", "TCN", "TE", "Trailer", "Transfer-Encoding", "Upgrade", "User-Agent", "Variant-Vary", "Vary", "Via", "Warning", "WWW-Authenticate", "X-Content-Duration", "X-Content-Security-Policy", "X-DNSPrefetch-Control", "X-Frame-Options", "X-Requested-With"]); for (let n of Object.keys(r)) { if (!e.has(n)) { for (let t of e) { let e = n.replace(new RegExp(t, "ig"), t); if (n !== e) { r[e] = r[n]; delete r[n]; break } } } } if (!r["User-Agent"]) { if (u.isNode) { r["User-Agent"] = n } else { r["User-Agent"] = t } } return r } return r }; const g = (t, n = null) => { if (!!t && t.status >= 400) { c.debug(`Raise exception when status code is ${t.status}`); let e = { name: "RequestException", message: `Request failed with status code ${t.status}`, config: n || t.config, response: t }; return e } }; const o = { request: new e, response: new e(false) }; let y = []; let h = []; let m = true; function $(e) { if (typeof e === "object" && e["modify"] !== false) { e["headers"] = i(e["headers"]) } e = r(e); return e } function b(e) { try { e = !!e ? p(e) : e; c.sniffer(`HTTP ${e.config["method"].toUpperCase()}:\n${JSON.stringify(e.config)}\nSTATUS CODE:\n${e.status}\nRESPONSE:\n${typeof e.body === "object" ? JSON.stringify(e.body) : e.body}`); const t = g(e); if (!!t) { return Promise.reject(t) } return e } catch (t) { c.error(t); return e } } const S = t => { try { y = []; h = []; o.request.forEach(e => { if (typeof e.runWhen === "function" && e.runWhen(t) === false) { return } m = m && e.synchronous; y.unshift(e.fulfilled, e.rejected) }); o.response.forEach(e => { h.push(e.fulfilled, e.rejected) }) } catch (e) { c.error(`failed to register interceptors: ${e}`) } }; const s = (e, r) => { let i; const t = e.toUpperCase(); r = d(t, r); if (u.isNode) { i = f } else { if (u.isSurgeLike) { i = o => { return new Promise((r, i) => { $httpClient[e.toLowerCase()](o, (t, n, e) => { if (t) { let e = { name: || t, message: t.message || t, stack: t.stack || t, config: o, response: p(n) }; i(e) } else { n.config = o; n.body = e; r(n) } }) }) } } else { i = i => { return new Promise((n, r) => { $task.fetch(i).then(e => { e = p(e, i); const t = g(e, i); if (t) { return Promise.reject(t) } n(e) }).catch(e => { let t = { name: e.message || e.error, message: e.message || e.error, stack: e.error, config: i, response: !!e.response ? p(e.response) : null }; r(t) }) }) } } } let o; S(r); const s = [$, undefined]; const a = [b, undefined]; if (!m) { c.debug("Interceptors are executed in asynchronous mode"); let n = [i, undefined]; Array.prototype.unshift.apply(n, s); Array.prototype.unshift.apply(n, y); Array.prototype.unshift.apply(n, s); n = n.concat(a); n = n.concat(h); o = Promise.resolve(r); while (n.length) { try { let e = n.shift(); let t = n.shift(); if (!u.isNode && r["timeout"] && e === i) { o = l(r) } else { o = o.then(e, t) } } catch (e) { c.error(`request exception: ${e}`) } } return o } else { c.debug("Interceptors are executed in synchronous mode"); Array.prototype.unshift.apply(y, s); y = y.concat([$, undefined]); while (y.length) { let e = y.shift(); let t = y.shift(); try { r = e(r) } catch (e) { t(e); break } } try { if (!u.isNode && r["timeout"]) { o = l(r) } else { o = i(r) } } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e) } Array.prototype.unshift.apply(h, a); while (h.length) { o = o.then(h.shift(), h.shift()) } return o } function l(n) { try { const e = new Promise((e, t) => { setTimeout(() => { let e = { message: `timeout of ${n["timeout"]}ms exceeded`, config: n }; t(e) }, n["timeout"]) }); return Promise.race([i(n), e]) } catch (e) { c.error(`Request Timeout exception: ${e}`) } } }; return { request: s, interceptors: o, modifyHeaders: i, modifyResponse: p, get: e => { return s("GET", e) }, post: e => { return s("POST", e) }, put: e => { return s("PUT", e) }, patch: e => { return s("PATCH", e) }, delete: e => { return s("DELETE", e) }, head: e => { return s("HEAD", e) }, options: e => { return s("OPTIONS", e) } } } function MagicNotification(o, s, a, l) { let u = null; let c = null; const e = t => { try { let e = t.replace(/\/+$/g, ""); u = `${/^https?:\/\/([^/]*)/.exec(e)[0]}/push`; c = /\/([^\/]+)\/?$/.exec(e)[1] } catch (e) { a.error(`Bark url error: ${e}.`) } }; function t(e = o, t = "", n = "", r = "") { const i = n => { try { let t = {}; if (typeof n === "string") { if (s.isLoon) t = { openUrl: n }; else if (s.isQuanX) t = { "open-url": n }; else if (s.isSurge) t = { url: n } } else if (typeof n === "object") { if (s.isLoon) { t["openUrl"] = !!n["open-url"] ? n["open-url"] : ""; t["mediaUrl"] = !!n["media-url"] ? n["media-url"] : "" } else if (s.isQuanX) { t = !!n["open-url"] || !!n["media-url"] ? n : {} } else if (s.isSurge) { let e = n["open-url"] || n["openUrl"]; t = e ? { url: e } : {} } } return t } catch (e) { a.error(`Failed to convert notification option, ${e}`) } return n }; r = i(r); if (arguments.length == 1) { e = o; t = "", n = arguments[0] } a.notify(`title:${e}\nsubTitle:${t}\nbody:${n}\noptions:${typeof r === "object" ? JSON.stringify(r) : r}`); if (s.isSurge) { $, t, n, r) } else if (s.isLoon) { if (!!r) $, t, n, r); else $, t, n) } else if (s.isQuanX) { $notify(e, t, n, r) } if (u && c) { f(e, t, n) } } function n(e = o, t = "", n = "", r = "") { if (a.level === "DEBUG") { if (arguments.length == 1) { e = o; t = "", n = arguments[0] } this.notify(e, t, n, r) } } function f(e = o, t = "", n = "", r = "") { if (typeof l === "undefined" || typeof === "undefined") { throw "Bark notification needs to import MagicHttp module." } let i = { url: u, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8" }, body: { title: e, body: t ? `${t}\n${n}` : n, device_key: c } }; => { a.error(`Bark notify error: ${e}`) }) } return { post: t, debug: n, bark: f, setBark: e } } function MagicData(s, a) { let l = { fs: undefined, data: {} }; if (s.isNode) { l.fs = require("fs"); try { l.fs.accessSync("./magic.json", l.fs.constants.R_OK | l.fs.constants.W_OK) } catch (e) { l.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", "{}", { encoding: "utf8" }) } = require("./magic.json") } const u = (e, t) => { if (typeof t === "object") { return false } else { return e === t } }; const c = e => { if (e === "true") { return true } else if (e === "false") { return false } else if (typeof e === "undefined") { return null } else { return e } }; const f = (e, t, n, r) => { if (n) { try { if (typeof e === "string") e = JSON.parse(e); if (e["magic_session"] === true) { e = e[n] } else { e = null } } catch { e = null } } if (typeof e === "string" && e !== "null") { try { e = JSON.parse(e) } catch { } } if (r === false && !!e && e["magic_session"] === true) { e = null } if ((e === null || typeof e === "undefined") && t !== null && typeof t !== "undefined") { e = t } e = c(e); return e }; const o = t => { if (typeof t === "string") { let e = {}; try { e = JSON.parse(t); const n = typeof e; if (n !== "object" || e instanceof Array || n === "bool" || e === null) { e = {} } } catch { } return e } else if (t instanceof Array || t === null || typeof t === "undefined" || t !== t || typeof t === "boolean") { return {} } else { return t } }; const d = (e, t = null, n = "", r = false, i = null) => { let o = i ||; if (!!o && typeof o[e] !== "undefined" && o[e] !== null) { val = o[e] } else { val = !!n ? {} : null } val = f(val, t, n, r); return val }; const p = (e, t = null, n = "", r = false, i = null) => { let o = ""; if (i || s.isNode) { o = d(e, t, n, r, i) } else { if (s.isSurgeLike) { o = $ } else if (s.isQuanX) { o = $prefs.valueForKey(e) } o = f(o, t, n, r) } a.debug(`READ DATA [${e}]${!!n ? `[${n}]` : ""} <${typeof o}>\n${JSON.stringify(o)}`); return o }; const g = (t, n, r = "", e = null) => { let i = e ||; i = o(i); if (!!r) { let e = o(i[t]); e["magic_session"] = true; e[r] = n; i[t] = e } else { i[t] = n } if (e !== null) { e = i } return i }; const y = (e, t, n = "", r = null) => { if (typeof t === "undefined" || t !== t) { return false } if (!s.isNode && (typeof t === "boolean" || typeof t === "number")) { t = String(t) } let i = ""; if (r || s.isNode) { i = g(e, t, n, r) } else { if (!n) { i = t } else { if (s.isSurgeLike) { i = !!$ ? $ : i } else if (s.isQuanX) { i = !!$prefs.valueForKey(e) ? $prefs.valueForKey(e) : i } i = o(i); i["magic_session"] = true; i[n] = t } } if (!!i && typeof i === "object") { i = JSON.stringify(i, "", "\t") } a.debug(`WRITE DATA [${e}]${n ? `[${n}]` : ""} <${typeof t}>\n${JSON.stringify(t)}`); if (!r) { if (s.isSurgeLike) { return $persistentStore.write(i, e) } else if (s.isQuanX) { return $prefs.setValueForKey(i, e) } else if (s.isNode) { try { l.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", i); return true } catch (e) { a.error(e); return false } } } return true }; const e = (t, n, r, i = u, o = null) => { n = c(n); const e = p(t, null, r, false, o); if (i(e, n) === true) { return false } else { const s = y(t, n, r, o); let e = p(t, null, r, false, o); if (i === u && typeof e === "object") { return s } return i(n, e) } }; const h = (e, t, n) => { let r = n ||; r = o(r); if (!!t) { obj = o(r[e]); delete obj[t]; r[e] = obj } else { delete r[e] } if (!!n) { n = r } return r }; const t = (e, t = "", n = null) => { let r = {}; if (n || s.isNode) { r = h(e, t, n); if (!n) { l.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", JSON.stringify(r)) } else { n = r } } else { if (!t) { if (s.isStorm) { return $persistentStore.remove(e) } else if (s.isSurgeLike) { return $persistentStore.write(null, e) } else if (s.isQuanX) { return $prefs.removeValueForKey(e) } } else { if (s.isSurgeLike) { r = $ } else if (s.isQuanX) { r = $prefs.valueForKey(e) } r = o(r); delete r[t]; const i = JSON.stringify(r); y(e, i) } } a.debug(`DELETE KEY [${e}]${!!t ? `[${t}]` : ""}`) }; const n = (e, t = null) => { let n = []; let r = p(e, null, null, true, t); r = o(r); if (r["magic_session"] !== true) { n = [] } else { n = Object.keys(r).filter(e => e !== "magic_session") } a.debug(`READ ALL SESSIONS [${e}] <${typeof n}>\n${JSON.stringify(n)}`); return n }; return { read: p, write: y, del: t, update: e, allSessions: n, defaultValueComparator: u, convertToObject: o } } function MagicUtils(r, u) { const e = (o, s = 5, a = 0, l = null) => { return (...e) => { return new Promise((n, r) => { function i(...t) { Promise.resolve().then(() => o.apply(this, t)).then(e => { if (typeof l === "function") { Promise.resolve().then(() => l(e)).then(() => { n(e) }).catch(e => { if (s >= 1) { if (a > 0) setTimeout(() => i.apply(this, t), a); else i.apply(this, t) } else { r(e) } s-- }) } else { n(e) } }).catch(e => { u.error(e); if (s >= 1 && a > 0) { setTimeout(() => i.apply(this, t), a) } else if (s >= 1) { i.apply(this, t) } else { r(e) } s-- }) } i.apply(this, e) }) } }; const t = (e, t = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") => { let n = { "M+": e.getMonth() + 1, "d+": e.getDate(), "h+": e.getHours(), "m+": e.getMinutes(), "s+": e.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((e.getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: e.getMilliseconds() }; if (/(y+)/.test(t)) t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, (e.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); for (let e in n) if (new RegExp("(" + e + ")").test(t)) t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? n[e] : ("00" + n[e]).substr(("" + n[e]).length)); return t }; const n = () => { return t(new Date, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") }; const i = () => { return t(new Date, "yyyy-MM-dd") }; const o = t => { return new Promise(e => setTimeout(e, t)) }; const s = (e, t = null) => { if (r.isNode) { const n = require("assert"); if (t) n(e, t); else n(e) } else { if (e !== true) { let e = `AssertionError: ${t || "The expression evaluated to a falsy value"}`; u.error(e) } } }; return { retry: e, formatTime: t, now: n, today: i, sleep: o, assert: s } } function MagicQingLong(e, l, i) { let o = ""; let s = ""; let a = ""; let u = ""; let c = ""; let t = ""; const f = "magic.json"; const n = 3e3; const d = MagicHttp(e, i); const r = (e, t, n, r, i) => { o = e; a = t; u = n; s = r; c = i }; function p(e) { o = o ||"magic_qlurl"); t = t ||"magic_qltoken"); return e } function g(e) { if (!o) { o ="magic_qlurl") } if (e.url.indexOf(o) < 0) { e.url = `${o}${e.url}` } return { ...e, timeout: n } } function y(e) { e.params = { ...e.params, t: }; return e } function h(e) { t = t ||"magic_qltoken"); if (t) { e.headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${t}` } return e } function m(e) { a = a ||"magic_qlclient"); if (!!a) { e.url = e.url.replace("/api/", "/open/") } return e } async function $(e) { try { const t = e.message || e.error || JSON.stringify(e); if ((t.indexOf("NSURLErrorDomain") >= 0 && t.indexOf("-1012") >= 0 || !!e.response && e.response.status === 401) && (!!e.config && e.config.refreshToken !== true)) { i.warning(`Qinglong panel token has expired`); await b(); e.config["refreshToken"] = true; return await d.request(e.config.method, e.config) } else { return Promise.reject(e) } } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e) } } d.interceptors.request.use(p, undefined); d.interceptors.request.use(g, undefined); d.interceptors.request.use(m, undefined, { runWhen: e => { return e.url.indexOf("api/user/login") < 0 && e.url.indexOf("open/auth/token") < 0 } }); d.interceptors.request.use(h, undefined, { runWhen: e => { return e.url.indexOf("api/user/login") < 0 && e.url.indexOf("open/auth/token") < 0 } }); d.interceptors.request.use(y, undefined, { runWhen: e => { return e.url.indexOf("open/auth/token") < 0 && e.url.indexOf("t=") < 0 } }); d.interceptors.response.use(undefined, $); async function b() { a = a ||"magic_qlclient"); u = u ||"magic_qlsecrt"); s = s ||"magic_qlname"); c = c ||"magic_qlpwd"); if (o && a && u) { await d.get({ url: `/open/auth/token`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, params: { client_id: a, client_secret: u } }).then(e => {"Log in to Qinglong panel successfully"); t =; l.update("magic_qltoken", t); return t }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to log in to Qinglong panel.\n${e.message}`) }) } else if (o && s && c) { await{ url: `/api/user/login`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: { username: s, password: c } }).then(e => {"Log in to Qinglong panel successfully"); t =; l.update("magic_qltoken", t); return t }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to log in to Qinglong panel.\n${e.message}`) }) } } async function S(t, n, r = null) { o = o ||"magic_qlurl"); if (r === null) { let e = await N([{ name: t, value: n }]); if (!!e && e.length === 1) { return e[0] } } else { d.put({ url: `/api/envs`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: { name: t, value: n, id: r } }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { i.debug(`QINGLONG UPDATE ENV ${t} <${typeof n}> (${r})\n${JSON.stringify(n)}`); return true } else { i.error(`Failed to update Qinglong panel environment variable.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to update Qinglong panel environment variable.\n${e.message}`); return false }) } } async function N(e) { let t = []; await{ url: `/api/envs`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: e }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { => { i.debug(`QINGLONG ADD ENV ${} <${typeof e.value}> (${})\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`); t.push( }) } else { i.error(`Failed to add Qinglong panel environment variable.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to add Qinglong panel environment variable.\n${e.message}`) }); return t } async function v(t) { return await d.delete({ url: `/api/envs`, headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6", Connection: "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245.30" }, body: t }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { i.debug(`QINGLONG DELETE ENV IDS: ${t}`); return true } else { i.error(`Failed to delete QingLong envs.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`); return false } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to delete QingLong envs.\n${e.message}`) }) } async function O(n = null, e = "") { let r = []; await d.get({ url: `/api/envs`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, params: { searchValue: e } }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { const t =; if (!!n) { let e = []; for (const e of t) { if ( === n) { r.push(e) } } r = e } r = t } else { i.error(`Failed to get environment variables from Qinglong panel.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to get environment variables from Qinglong panel.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) }); return r } async function E(e) { let t = null; const n = await O(); for (const r of n) { if ( === e) { t = r; break } } return t } async function T(t) { let n = false; await d.put({ url: `/api/envs/disable`, headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6", Connection: "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245.30" }, body: t }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { i.debug(`QINGLONG DISABLED ENV IDS: ${t}`); n = true } else { i.error(`Failed to disable QingLong envs.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to disable QingLong envs.\n${e.message}`) }); return n } async function w(t) { let n = false; await d.put({ url: `/api/envs/enable`, headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6", Connection: "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245.30" }, body: t }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { i.debug(`QINGLONG ENABLED ENV IDS: ${t}`); n = true } else { i.error(`Failed to enable QingLong envs.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to enable QingLong envs.\n${e.message}`) }); return n } async function C(e, t = "", n = "") { let r = false; await{ url: `/api/scripts`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: { filename: e, path: t, content: n } }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { r = true } else { i.error(`Failed to add script content from Qinglong panel.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to add script content from Qinglong panel.\n${e.message}`) }); return r } async function A(e, t = "") { let n = ""; await d.get({ url: `/api/scripts/${e}`, params: { path: t } }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { n = } else { i.error(`Failed to read script content from Qinglong panel.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to read script content from Qinglong panel.\n${e.message}`) }); return n } async function k(e, t = "", n = "") { let r = false; await d.put({ url: `/api/scripts`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: { filename: e, path: t, content: n } }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { r = true } else { i.error(`Failed to read script content from Qinglong panel.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to read script content from Qinglong panel.\n${e.message}`) }); return r } async function L(e, t = "") { let n = false; await d.delete({ url: `/api/scripts`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: { filename: e, path: t } }).then(e => { if (e.body.code === 200) { n = true } else { i.error(`Failed to read script content from Qinglong panel.\n${JSON.stringify(e)}`) } }).catch(e => { i.error(`Failed to read script content from Qinglong panel.\n${e.message}`) }); return n } async function F(e, t, n = "") { let r = await A(f, ""); let i = l.convertToObject(r); let o = l.write(e, t, n, i); r = JSON.stringify(i, "", "\t"); let s = await k(f, "", r); return s && o } async function j(e, t, n, r = l.defaultValueComparator) { let i = await A(f, ""); let o = l.convertToObject(i); const s = l.update(e, t, n, r, o); let a = false; if (s === true) { i = JSON.stringify(o, "", "\t"); a = await k(f, "", i) } return s && a } async function M(e, t, n = "") { let r = await A(f, ""); let i = l.convertToObject(r); const o =, t, n, false, i); return o } async function R(e, t = "") { let n = await A(f, ""); let r = l.convertToObject(n); const i = l.del(e, t, r); n = JSON.stringify(r, "", "\t"); const o = await k(f, "", n); return i && o } async function q(e) { let t = await A(f, ""); let n = l.convertToObject(t); const r = l.allSessions(e, n); return r } return { init: r, getToken: b, setEnv: S, setEnvs: N, getEnv: E, getEnvs: O, delEnvs: v, disableEnvs: T, enbleEnvs: w, addScript: C, getScript: A, editScript: k, delScript: L, write: F, read: M, del: R, update: j, allSessions: q } }