mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 21:23:04 +08:00
162 lines
22 KiB
162 lines
22 KiB
const scirptName = "百度贴吧";
const batchSize = 20;
const retries = 10; // 签到失败重试次数
const interval = 5000; // 每次重试间隔
const tiebaCookieKey = "tieba_checkin_cookie";
const tiebeGetCookieRegex1 = /https?:\/\/(c\.tieba\.baidu\.com|180\.97\.\d+\.\d+)\/c\/s\/login/;
const tiebeGetCookieRegex2 = /^https?:\/\/c\.tieba\.baidu\.com\/c\/s\/channelIconConfig/;
const tiebeGetCookieRegex3 = /https?:\/\/tiebac\.baidu\.com\/c\/u\/follow\/getFoldedMessageUserInfo/;
let magicJS = MagicJS(scirptName, "DEBUG");
magicJS.unifiedPushUrl = magicJS.read("tieba_unified_push_url") || magicJS.read("magicjs_unified_push_url");
let getTiebaListOptions = {
url: "https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newmoindex",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"Referer": "https://tieba.baidu.com/index/tbwise/forum",
"Cookie": "",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/16A366",
body: "",
let tiebaCheckInOptions = {
url: "https://tieba.baidu.com/sign/add",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate,br",
"Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Cookie": "",
"Host": "tieba.baidu.com",
"Referer": "https://tieba.baidu.com/",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.135 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.63",
body: "",
function GetTieBaList(cookie) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getTiebaListOptions.headers.Cookie = cookie;
magicJS.get(getTiebaListOptions, (err, resp, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(data);
if (obj.error === "success") {
resolve([obj.data.tbs, obj.data.like_forum]);
} else {
} catch (err) {
function TiebaCheckIn(cookie, tbs, tieba) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let kw = tieba["forum_name"];
if (tieba["is_sign"] === 1) {
resolve(`[${kw}] 重复签到`);
} else {
tiebaCheckInOptions.headers.Cookie = cookie;
tiebaCheckInOptions.body = `tbs=${tbs}&kw=${kw}&ie=utf-8`;
magicJS.post(tiebaCheckInOptions, (err, resp, data) => {
if (err) {
magicJS.logError(`[${kw}] 签到失败,请求异常:${err}`);
} else {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(data);
if (obj.data.errmsg === "success" && obj.data.errno === 0 && obj.data.uinfo.is_sign_in === 1) {
let msg = `[${kw}] 签到成功 排名 ${obj.data.uinfo.user_sign_rank} 积分 ${obj.data.uinfo.cont_sign_num}`;
} else if (obj.no === 2150040) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] need vcode,接口响应:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 签到失败,need vcode`);
} else if (obj.no === 1011) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] 未加入此吧或等级不够,接口响应:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 未加入此吧或等级不够`);
} else if (obj.no === 1102) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] 签到过快,接口响应:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 签到过快`);
} else if (obj.no === 1101) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] 重复签到,接口响应:${data}`);
resolve(`[${kw}] 重复签到`);
} else {
magicJS.logWarning(`[${kw}] 签到失败,接口响应不合法:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 签到失败`);
} catch (err) {
magicJS.logError(`${kw} 签到失败,执行异常:${err}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 执行异常`);
(async () => {
if (magicJS.isRequest && (tiebeGetCookieRegex1.test(magicJS.request.url) ||
tiebeGetCookieRegex2.test(magicJS.request.url) ||
tiebeGetCookieRegex3.test(magicJS.request.url))) {
let cookie = magicJS.request.headers.Cookie;
let hisCookie = magicJS.read(tiebaCookieKey);
if (!!cookie && cookie === hisCookie) {
} else if (!!cookie && cookie !== hisCookie) {
magicJS.write(tiebaCookieKey, cookie);
} else {
} else {
let cookie = magicJS.read(tiebaCookieKey);
let content = "🥺很遗憾,以下贴吧签到失败:";
if (!!cookie === false) {
} else {
let [tbs, tiebaList] = await magicJS.retry(GetTieBaList, retries, interval)(cookie);
let tiebaCount = tiebaList.length;
let cycleNumber = Math.ceil(tiebaList.length / batchSize);
let [success, failed] = [0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < cycleNumber; i++) {
let batchTiebaPromise = [];
let batchTiebaList = tiebaList.splice(0, batchSize);
for (let tieba of batchTiebaList) {
batchTiebaPromise.push(magicJS.attempt(magicJS.retry(TiebaCheckIn, retries, interval)(cookie, tbs, tieba)));
await Promise.all(batchTiebaPromise).then((result) => {
result.forEach((element) => {
if (element[0] !== null) {
failed += 1;
content += `\n${element[0]}`;
} else {
success += 1;
magicJS.notify(scirptName, `签到${tiebaCount}个,成功${success}个,失败${failed}个`, !!failed > 0 ? content : "🎉恭喜,所有贴吧签到成功!!");
// prettier-ignore
function MagicJS(scriptName = "MagicJS", logLevel = "INFO") { return new class { constructor() { if (this.version = "", this.scriptName = scriptName, this.logLevels = { DEBUG: 5, INFO: 4, NOTIFY: 3, WARNING: 2, ERROR: 1, CRITICAL: 0, NONE: -1 }, this.isLoon = "undefined" != typeof $loon, this.isQuanX = "undefined" != typeof $task, this.isJSBox = "undefined" != typeof $drive, this.isNode = "undefined" != typeof module && !this.isJSBox, this.isSurge = "undefined" != typeof $httpClient && !this.isLoon, this.node = { request: void 0, fs: void 0, data: {} }, this.iOSUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1", this.pcUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.59", this.logLevel = logLevel, this._barkUrl = "", this.isNode) { this.node.fs = require("fs"), this.node.request = require("request"); try { this.node.fs.accessSync("./magic.json", this.node.fs.constants.R_OK | this.node.fs.constants.W_OK) } catch (err) { this.node.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", "{}", { encoding: "utf8" }) } this.node.data = require("./magic.json") } else this.isJSBox && ($file.exists("drive://MagicJS") || $file.mkdir("drive://MagicJS"), $file.exists("drive://MagicJS/magic.json") || $file.write({ data: $data({ string: "{}" }), path: "drive://MagicJS/magic.json" })) } set barkUrl(url) { this._barkUrl = url.replace(/\/+$/g, "") } set logLevel(level) { this._logLevel = "string" == typeof level ? level.toUpperCase() : "DEBUG" } get logLevel() { return this._logLevel } get isRequest() { return "undefined" != typeof $request && "undefined" == typeof $response } get isResponse() { return "undefined" != typeof $response } get request() { return "undefined" != typeof $request ? $request : void 0 } get response() { return "undefined" != typeof $response ? ($response.hasOwnProperty("status") && ($response.statusCode = $response.status), $response.hasOwnProperty("statusCode") && ($response.status = $response.statusCode), $response) : void 0 } get platform() { return this.isSurge ? "Surge" : this.isQuanX ? "Quantumult X" : this.isLoon ? "Loon" : this.isJSBox ? "JSBox" : this.isNode ? "Node.js" : "Unknown" } read(key, session = "") { let val = ""; this.isSurge || this.isLoon ? val = $persistentStore.read(key) : this.isQuanX ? val = $prefs.valueForKey(key) : this.isNode ? val = this.node.data : this.isJSBox && (val = $file.read("drive://MagicJS/magic.json").string); try { this.isNode && (val = val[key]), this.isJSBox && (val = JSON.parse(val)[key]), session && ("string" == typeof val && (val = JSON.parse(val)), val = val && "object" == typeof val ? val[session] : null) } catch (err) { this.logError(err), val = session ? {} : null, this.del(key) } void 0 === val && (val = null); try { val && "string" == typeof val && (val = JSON.parse(val)) } catch (err) { } return this.logDebug(`READ DATA [${key}]${session ? `[${session}]` : ""}(${typeof val})\n${JSON.stringify(val)}`), val } write(key, val, session = "") { let data = session ? {} : ""; if (session && (this.isSurge || this.isLoon) ? data = $persistentStore.read(key) : session && this.isQuanX ? data = $prefs.valueForKey(key) : this.isNode ? data = this.node.data : this.isJSBox && (data = JSON.parse($file.read("drive://MagicJS/magic.json").string)), session) { try { "string" == typeof data && (data = JSON.parse(data)), data = "object" == typeof data && data ? data : {} } catch (err) { this.logError(err), this.del(key), data = {} } this.isJSBox || this.isNode ? (data[key] && "object" == typeof data[key] || (data[key] = {}), data[key].hasOwnProperty(session) || (data[key][session] = null), void 0 === val ? delete data[key][session] : data[key][session] = val) : void 0 === val ? delete data[session] : data[session] = val } else this.isNode || this.isJSBox ? void 0 === val ? delete data[key] : data[key] = val : data = void 0 === val ? null : val; "object" == typeof data && (data = JSON.stringify(data)), this.isSurge || this.isLoon ? $persistentStore.write(data, key) : this.isQuanX ? $prefs.setValueForKey(data, key) : this.isNode ? this.node.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", data) : this.isJSBox && $file.write({ data: $data({ string: data }), path: "drive://MagicJS/magic.json" }), this.logDebug(`WRITE DATA [${key}]${session ? `[${session}]` : ""}(${typeof val})\n${JSON.stringify(val)}`) } del(key, session = "") { this.logDebug(`DELETE KEY [${key}]${session ? `[${session}]` : ""}`), this.write(key, null, session) } notify(title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = "", opts = "") { let convertOptions; if (opts = (_opts => { let newOpts = {}; if ("string" == typeof _opts) this.isLoon ? newOpts = { openUrl: _opts } : this.isQuanX ? newOpts = { "open-url": _opts } : this.isSurge && (newOpts = { url: _opts }); else if ("object" == typeof _opts) if (this.isLoon) newOpts.openUrl = _opts["open-url"] ? _opts["open-url"] : "", newOpts.mediaUrl = _opts["media-url"] ? _opts["media-url"] : ""; else if (this.isQuanX) newOpts = _opts["open-url"] || _opts["media-url"] ? _opts : {}; else if (this.isSurge) { let openUrl = _opts["open-url"] || _opts.openUrl; newOpts = openUrl ? { url: openUrl } : {} } return newOpts })(opts), 1 == arguments.length && (title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = arguments[0]), this.logNotify(`title:${title}\nsubTitle:${subTitle}\nbody:${body}\noptions:${"object" == typeof opts ? JSON.stringify(opts) : opts}`), this.isSurge) $notification.post(title, subTitle, body, opts); else if (this.isLoon) opts ? $notification.post(title, subTitle, body, opts) : $notification.post(title, subTitle, body); else if (this.isQuanX) $notify(title, subTitle, body, opts); else if (this.isNode) { if (this._barkUrl) { let content = encodeURI(`${title}/${subTitle}\n${body}`); this.get(`${this._barkUrl}/${content}`, () => { }) } } else if (this.isJSBox) { let push = { title: title, body: subTitle ? `${subTitle}\n${body}` : body }; $push.schedule(push) } } notifyDebug(title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = "", opts = "") { "DEBUG" === this.logLevel && (1 == arguments.length && (title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = arguments[0]), this.notify(title, subTitle, body, opts)) } log(msg, level = "INFO") { this.logLevels[this._logLevel] < this.logLevels[level.toUpperCase()] || console.log(`[${level}] [${this.scriptName}]\n${msg}\n`) } logDebug(msg) { this.log(msg, "DEBUG") } logInfo(msg) { this.log(msg, "INFO") } logNotify(msg) { this.log(msg, "NOTIFY") } logWarning(msg) { this.log(msg, "WARNING") } logError(msg) { this.log(msg, "ERROR") } logRetry(msg) { this.log(msg, "RETRY") } adapterHttpOptions(options, method) { let _options = "object" == typeof options ? Object.assign({}, options) : { url: options, headers: {} }; _options.hasOwnProperty("header") && !_options.hasOwnProperty("headers") && (_options.headers = _options.header, delete _options.header); const headersMap = { accept: "Accept", "accept-ch": "Accept-CH", "accept-charset": "Accept-Charset", "accept-features": "Accept-Features", "accept-encoding": "Accept-Encoding", "accept-language": "Accept-Language", "accept-ranges": "Accept-Ranges", "access-control-allow-credentials": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "access-control-allow-origin": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "access-control-allow-methods": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "access-control-allow-headers": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "access-control-max-age": "Access-Control-Max-Age", "access-control-expose-headers": "Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "access-control-request-method": "Access-Control-Request-Method", "access-control-request-headers": "Access-Control-Request-Headers", age: "Age", allow: "Allow", alternates: "Alternates", authorization: "Authorization", "cache-control": "Cache-Control", connection: "Connection", "content-encoding": "Content-Encoding", "content-language": "Content-Language", "content-length": "Content-Length", "content-location": "Content-Location", "content-md5": "Content-MD5", "content-range": "Content-Range", "content-security-policy": "Content-Security-Policy", "content-type": "Content-Type", cookie: "Cookie", dnt: "DNT", date: "Date", etag: "ETag", expect: "Expect", expires: "Expires", from: "From", host: "Host", "if-match": "If-Match", "if-modified-since": "If-Modified-Since", "if-none-match": "If-None-Match", "if-range": "If-Range", "if-unmodified-since": "If-Unmodified-Since", "last-event-id": "Last-Event-ID", "last-modified": "Last-Modified", link: "Link", location: "Location", "max-forwards": "Max-Forwards", negotiate: "Negotiate", origin: "Origin", pragma: "Pragma", "proxy-authenticate": "Proxy-Authenticate", "proxy-authorization": "Proxy-Authorization", range: "Range", referer: "Referer", "retry-after": "Retry-After", "sec-websocket-extensions": "Sec-Websocket-Extensions", "sec-websocket-key": "Sec-Websocket-Key", "sec-websocket-origin": "Sec-Websocket-Origin", "sec-websocket-protocol": "Sec-Websocket-Protocol", "sec-websocket-version": "Sec-Websocket-Version", server: "Server", "set-cookie": "Set-Cookie", "set-cookie2": "Set-Cookie2", "strict-transport-security": "Strict-Transport-Security", tcn: "TCN", te: "TE", trailer: "Trailer", "transfer-encoding": "Transfer-Encoding", upgrade: "Upgrade", "user-agent": "User-Agent", "variant-vary": "Variant-Vary", vary: "Vary", via: "Via", warning: "Warning", "www-authenticate": "WWW-Authenticate", "x-content-duration": "X-Content-Duration", "x-content-security-policy": "X-Content-Security-Policy", "x-dnsprefetch-control": "X-DNSPrefetch-Control", "x-frame-options": "X-Frame-Options", "x-requested-with": "X-Requested-With", "x-surge-skip-scripting": "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting" }; if ("object" == typeof _options.headers) for (let key in _options.headers) headersMap[key] && (_options.headers[headersMap[key]] = _options.headers[key], delete _options.headers[key]); _options.headers && "object" == typeof _options.headers && _options.headers["User-Agent"] || (_options.headers && "object" == typeof _options.headers || (_options.headers = {}), this.isNode ? _options.headers["User-Agent"] = this.pcUserAgent : _options.headers["User-Agent"] = this.iOSUserAgent); let skipScripting = !1; if (("object" == typeof _options.opts && (!0 === _options.opts.hints || !0 === _options.opts["Skip-Scripting"]) || "object" == typeof _options.headers && !0 === _options.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"]) && (skipScripting = !0), skipScripting || (this.isSurge ? _options.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"] = !1 : this.isLoon ? _options.headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest" : this.isQuanX && ("object" != typeof _options.opts && (_options.opts = {}), _options.opts.hints = !1)), this.isSurge && !skipScripting || delete _options.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"], !this.isQuanX && _options.hasOwnProperty("opts") && delete _options.opts, this.isQuanX && _options.hasOwnProperty("opts") && delete _options.opts["Skip-Scripting"], "GET" === method && !this.isNode && _options.body) { let qs = Object.keys(_options.body).map(key => void 0 === _options.body ? "" : `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(_options.body[key])}`).join("&"); _options.url.indexOf("?") < 0 && (_options.url += "?"), _options.url.lastIndexOf("&") + 1 != _options.url.length && _options.url.lastIndexOf("?") + 1 != _options.url.length && (_options.url += "&"), _options.url += qs, delete _options.body } return this.isQuanX ? (_options.hasOwnProperty("body") && "string" != typeof _options.body && (_options.body = JSON.stringify(_options.body)), _options.method = method) : this.isNode ? (delete _options.headers["Accept-Encoding"], "object" == typeof _options.body && ("GET" === method ? (_options.qs = _options.body, delete _options.body) : "POST" === method && (_options.json = !0, _options.body = _options.body))) : this.isJSBox && (_options.header = _options.headers, delete _options.headers), _options } adapterHttpResponse(resp) { let _resp = { body: resp.body, headers: resp.headers, json: () => JSON.parse(_resp.body) }; return resp.hasOwnProperty("statusCode") && resp.statusCode && (_resp.status = resp.statusCode), _resp } get(options, callback) { let _options = this.adapterHttpOptions(options, "GET"); this.logDebug(`HTTP GET: ${JSON.stringify(_options)}`), this.isSurge || this.isLoon ? $httpClient.get(_options, callback) : this.isQuanX ? $task.fetch(_options).then(resp => { resp.status = resp.statusCode, callback(null, resp, resp.body) }, reason => callback(reason.error, null, null)) : this.isNode ? this.node.request.get(_options, (err, resp, data) => { resp = this.adapterHttpResponse(resp), callback(err, resp, data) }) : this.isJSBox && (_options.handler = resp => { let err = resp.error ? JSON.stringify(resp.error) : void 0, data = "object" == typeof resp.data ? JSON.stringify(resp.data) : resp.data; callback(err, resp.response, data) }, $http.get(_options)) } getPromise(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { magicJS.get(options, (err, resp) => { err ? reject(err) : resolve(resp) }) }) } post(options, callback) { let _options = this.adapterHttpOptions(options, "POST"); if (this.logDebug(`HTTP POST: ${JSON.stringify(_options)}`), this.isSurge || this.isLoon) $httpClient.post(_options, callback); else if (this.isQuanX) $task.fetch(_options).then(resp => { resp.status = resp.statusCode, callback(null, resp, resp.body) }, reason => { callback(reason.error, null, null) }); else if (this.isNode) { let resp = this.node.request.post(_options, callback); resp.status = resp.statusCode, delete resp.statusCode } else this.isJSBox && (_options.handler = resp => { let err = resp.error ? JSON.stringify(resp.error) : void 0, data = "object" == typeof resp.data ? JSON.stringify(resp.data) : resp.data; callback(err, resp.response, data) }, $http.post(_options)) } get http() { return { get: this.getPromise, post: this.post } } done(value = {}) { "undefined" != typeof $done && $done(value) } isToday(day) { if (null == day) return !1; { let today = new Date; return "string" == typeof day && (day = new Date(day)), today.getFullYear() == day.getFullYear() && today.getMonth() == day.getMonth() && today.getDay() == day.getDay() } } isNumber(val) { return "NaN" !== parseFloat(val).toString() } attempt(promise, defaultValue = null) { return promise.then(args => [null, args]).catch(ex => (this.logError(ex), [ex, defaultValue])) } retry(fn, retries = 5, interval = 0, callback = null) { return (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function _retry(...args) { Promise.resolve().then(() => fn.apply(this, args)).then(result => { "function" == typeof callback ? Promise.resolve().then(() => callback(result)).then(() => { resolve(result) }).catch(ex => { retries >= 1 ? interval > 0 ? setTimeout(() => _retry.apply(this, args), interval) : _retry.apply(this, args) : reject(ex), retries-- }) : resolve(result) }).catch(ex => { this.logRetry(ex), retries >= 1 && interval > 0 ? setTimeout(() => _retry.apply(this, args), interval) : retries >= 1 ? _retry.apply(this, args) : reject(ex), retries-- }) } _retry.apply(this, args) }) } formatTime(time, fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") { var o = { "M+": time.getMonth() + 1, "d+": time.getDate(), "h+": time.getHours(), "m+": time.getMinutes(), "s+": time.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((time.getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: time.getMilliseconds() }; /(y+)/.test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (time.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))); for (let k in o) new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); return fmt } now() { return this.formatTime(new Date, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") } today() { return this.formatTime(new Date, "yyyy-MM-dd") } sleep(time) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)) } }(scriptName) }