# Introduction TCPING is ping probe command line tool, supporting ICMP, TCP and HTTP protocols. You can also use it to query IP information from third-party api provider (currently we use [https://ip-api.com](https://ip-api.com)). # Features - Support ICMP/TCP/HTTP protocols - Query basic IP information # Installation 1. Download latest [release](https://github.com/i3h/tcping/releases/latest) (recommend) 2. Use go get ``` go get -u github.com/i3h/tcping ``` 3. Build on your own ``` git clone https://github.com/i3h/tcping.git cd tcping go build ``` # Usage ``` -h string HTTP Ping -i string ICMP Ping -m string MTR Trace -q string Query ip information -t string TCP Ping -v Version ``` # Examples ``` $ tcping -h https://www.google.com Proxy : false Scheme : https Host : www.google.com DNS Lookup: 2.05 ms TCP : 2.41 ms TLS : 68.92 ms Process : 29.28 ms Transfer : 0.19 ms Total : 103.06 ms ``` ``` $ tcping -i www.google.com ICMP OPEN 2.2 ms ``` ``` $ tcping -t www.google.com:443 TCP OPEN www.google.com:443 ``` ``` $ tcping -q www.google.com IP : City : Queenstown Estate Country: Singapore ISP : Google LLC AS : AS15169 Google LLC ``` # Note Root permission is required when running ICMP ping, since it needs to open raw socket. You can either use sudo command, or set setuid bit for tcping. ``` // Use sudo for one-time ping $ sudo tcping -i google.com // Set setuid bit $ sudo chown root:root tcping $ sudo chmod u+s tcping ``` # License See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/i3h/tcping/blob/master/LICENSE.md) file for license rights and limitations (MIT). # Acknowledgements [https://ip-api.com](https://ip-api.com) [lmas/icmp_ping.go](https://gist.github.com/lmas/c13d1c9de3b2224f9c26435eb56e6ef3) [sparrc/go-ping](https://github.com/sparrc/go-ping) [davecheney/httpstat](https://github.com/davecheney/httpstat)