/** * xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server. * * Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int g_loc_io_count = 0; // bytes read from local port int g_rem_io_count = 0; // bytes read from remote port static int g_terminated = 0; static char g_buf[1024 * 32]; #define DEFAULT_CC #define APP_CC typedef unsigned short tui16; /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_memset(void *ptr, int val, int size) { memset(ptr, val, size); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void DEFAULT_CC g_printf(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stdout, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void DEFAULT_CC g_writeln(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stdout, format, ap); va_end(ap); g_printf("\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_hexdump(char *p, int len) { unsigned char *line; int i; int thisline; int offset; line = (unsigned char *)p; offset = 0; while (offset < len) { g_printf("%04x ", offset); thisline = len - offset; if (thisline > 16) { thisline = 16; } for (i = 0; i < thisline; i++) { g_printf("%02x ", line[i]); } for (; i < 16; i++) { g_printf(" "); } for (i = 0; i < thisline; i++) { g_printf("%c", (line[i] >= 0x20 && line[i] < 0x7f) ? line[i] : '.'); } g_writeln(""); offset += thisline; line += thisline; } } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_socket(void) { int rv; int option_value; unsigned int option_len; rv = (int)socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (rv < 0) { return -1; } option_len = sizeof(option_value); if (getsockopt(rv, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&option_value, &option_len) == 0) { if (option_value == 0) { option_value = 1; option_len = sizeof(option_value); setsockopt(rv, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&option_value, option_len); } } option_len = sizeof(option_value); if (getsockopt(rv, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *)&option_value, &option_len) == 0) { if (option_value < (1024 * 32)) { option_value = 1024 * 32; option_len = sizeof(option_value); setsockopt(rv, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *)&option_value, option_len); } } return rv; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_set_non_blocking(int sck) { unsigned long i; i = fcntl(sck, F_GETFL); i = i | O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(sck, F_SETFL, i); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_bind(int sck, const char* port) { struct sockaddr_in s; memset(&s, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); s.sin_family = AF_INET; s.sin_port = htons((tui16)atoi(port)); s.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; return bind(sck, (struct sockaddr*)&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_listen(int sck) { return listen(sck, 2); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_select(int sck1, int sck2) { fd_set rfds; struct timeval time; int max = 0; int rv = 0; g_memset(&rfds, 0, sizeof(fd_set)); g_memset(&time, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); time.tv_sec = 0; time.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); if (sck1 > 0) { FD_SET(((unsigned int)sck1), &rfds); } if (sck2 > 0) { FD_SET(((unsigned int)sck2), &rfds); } max = sck1; if (sck2 > max) { max = sck2; } rv = select(max + 1, &rfds, 0, 0, &time); if (rv > 0) { rv = 0; if (FD_ISSET(((unsigned int)sck1), &rfds)) { rv = rv | 1; } if (FD_ISSET(((unsigned int)sck2), &rfds)) { rv = rv | 2; } } else { rv = 0; } return rv; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_recv(int sck, void *ptr, int len, int flags) { return recv(sck, ptr, len, flags); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_tcp_close(int sck) { if (sck == 0) { return; } close(sck); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_send(int sck, const void *ptr, int len, int flags) { return send(sck, ptr, len, flags); } /*****************************************************************************/ void APP_CC g_sleep(int msecs) { usleep(msecs * 1000); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_last_error_would_block(int sck) { return (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) || (errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINPROGRESS); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_accept(int sck) { int ret ; struct sockaddr_in s; unsigned int i; i = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(&s, 0, i); ret = accept(sck, (struct sockaddr *)&s, &i); return ret ; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_connect(int sck, const char* address, const char* port) { struct sockaddr_in s; struct hostent* h; g_memset(&s, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); s.sin_family = AF_INET; s.sin_port = htons((tui16)atoi(port)); s.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(address); if (s.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { h = gethostbyname(address); if (h != 0) { if (h->h_name != 0) { if (h->h_addr_list != 0) { if ((*(h->h_addr_list)) != 0) { s.sin_addr.s_addr = *((int*)(*(h->h_addr_list))); } } } } } return connect(sck, (struct sockaddr*)&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_socket_ok(int sck) { int opt; unsigned int opt_len; opt_len = sizeof(opt); if (getsockopt(sck, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)(&opt), &opt_len) == 0) { if (opt == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_init(const char *app_name) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_deinit(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_tcp_can_send(int sck, int millis) { fd_set wfds; struct timeval time; int rv; time.tv_sec = millis / 1000; time.tv_usec = (millis * 1000) % 1000000; FD_ZERO(&wfds); if (sck > 0) { FD_SET(((unsigned int)sck), &wfds); rv = select(sck + 1, 0, &wfds, 0, &time); if (rv > 0) { return g_tcp_socket_ok(sck); } } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_signal_user_interrupt(void (*func)(int)) { signal(SIGINT, func); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_signal_terminate(void (*func)(int)) { signal(SIGTERM, func); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void APP_CC g_signal_usr1(void (*func)(int)) { signal(SIGUSR1, func); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC g_strcasecmp(const char *c1, const char *c2) { return strcasecmp(c1, c2); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int main_loop(char *local_port, char *remote_ip, char *remote_port, int hexdump) { int lis_sck; int acc_sck; int con_sck; int sel; int count; int sent; int error; int i; int acc_to_con; int con_to_acc; acc_to_con = 0; con_to_acc = 0; acc_sck = 0; /* create the listening socket and setup options */ lis_sck = g_tcp_socket(); g_tcp_set_non_blocking(lis_sck); error = g_tcp_bind(lis_sck, local_port); if (error != 0) { g_writeln("bind failed"); } /* listen for an incoming connection */ if (error == 0) { error = g_tcp_listen(lis_sck); if (error == 0) { g_writeln("listening for connection"); } } /* accept an incoming connection */ if (error == 0) { while ((!g_terminated) && (error == 0)) { acc_sck = g_tcp_accept(lis_sck); if ((acc_sck == -1) && g_tcp_last_error_would_block(lis_sck)) { g_sleep(100); } else if (acc_sck == -1) { error = 1; } else { break; } } if (error == 0) { error = g_terminated; } /* stop listening */ g_tcp_close(lis_sck); lis_sck = 0; if (error == 0) { g_writeln("got connection"); } } /* connect outgoing socket */ con_sck = 0; if (error == 0) { con_sck = g_tcp_socket(); g_tcp_set_non_blocking(con_sck); error = g_tcp_connect(con_sck, remote_ip, remote_port); if ((error == -1) && g_tcp_last_error_would_block(con_sck)) { error = 0; i = 0; while ((!g_tcp_can_send(con_sck, 100)) && (!g_terminated) && (i < 100)) { g_sleep(100); i++; } if (i > 99) { g_writeln("timeout connecting"); error = 1; } if (g_terminated) { error = 1; } } if ((error != 0) && (!g_terminated)) { g_writeln("error connecting to remote\r\n"); } } while ((!g_terminated) && (error == 0)) { sel = g_tcp_select(con_sck, acc_sck); if (sel == 0) { g_sleep(10); continue; } if (sel & 1) { // can read from con_sck w/o blocking count = g_tcp_recv(con_sck, g_buf, 1024 * 16, 0); error = count < 1; if (error == 0) { g_loc_io_count += count; con_to_acc += count; if (hexdump) { g_writeln("from remove, the socket from connect"); g_hexdump(g_buf, count); } #if 0 g_writeln("local_io_count: %d\tremote_io_count: %d", g_loc_io_count, g_rem_io_count); #endif sent = 0; while ((sent < count) && (error == 0) && (!g_terminated)) { i = g_tcp_send(acc_sck, g_buf + sent, count - sent, 0); if ((i == -1) && g_tcp_last_error_would_block(acc_sck)) { g_tcp_can_send(acc_sck, 1000); } else if (i < 1) { error = 1; } else { sent += i; } } } } if (sel & 2) { // can read from acc_sck w/o blocking count = g_tcp_recv(acc_sck, g_buf, 1024 * 16, 0); error = count < 1; if (error == 0) { g_rem_io_count += count; acc_to_con += count; if (hexdump) { g_writeln("from accepted, the socket from accept"); g_hexdump(g_buf, count); } #if 0 g_writeln("local_io_count: %d\tremote_io_count: %d", g_loc_io_count, g_rem_io_count); #endif sent = 0; while ((sent < count) && (error == 0) && (!g_terminated)) { i = g_tcp_send(con_sck, g_buf + sent, count - sent, 0); if ((i == -1) && g_tcp_last_error_would_block(con_sck)) { g_tcp_can_send(con_sck, 1000); } else if (i < 1) { error = 1; } else { sent += i; } } } } } g_tcp_close(lis_sck); g_tcp_close(con_sck); g_tcp_close(acc_sck); g_writeln("acc_to_con %d", acc_to_con); g_writeln("con_to_acc %d", con_to_acc); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int usage(void) { g_writeln("tcp_proxy [dump]"); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ void proxy_shutdown(int sig) { g_writeln("shutting down"); g_terminated = 1; } void clear_counters(int sig) { g_writeln("cleared counters at: local_io_count: %d remote_io_count: %d", g_loc_io_count, g_rem_io_count); g_loc_io_count = 0; g_rem_io_count = 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int dump; if (argc < 4) { usage(); return 0; } g_init("tcp_proxy"); g_signal_user_interrupt(proxy_shutdown); /* SIGINT */ g_signal_usr1(clear_counters); /* SIGUSR1 */ g_signal_terminate(proxy_shutdown); /* SIGTERM */ if (argc < 5) { while (!g_terminated) { g_loc_io_count = 0; g_rem_io_count = 0; main_loop(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], 0); } } else { dump = g_strcasecmp(argv[4], "dump") == 0; while (!g_terminated) { main_loop(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], dump); } } g_deinit(); return 0; }