/* -*- c-basic-offset: 8 -*- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. fb calls Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2006 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "uimain.h" extern char g_username[]; extern char g_hostname[]; extern char g_servername[]; extern char g_password[]; extern char g_shell[]; extern char g_directory[]; extern char g_domain[]; extern int g_width; extern int g_height; extern int g_tcp_sck; extern int g_server_depth; extern int g_tcp_port_rdp; /* in tcp.c */ extern int g_bytes_in; extern int pal_entries[]; extern char * g_bs; struct cursor { unsigned char andmask[32 * 32]; unsigned char xormask[32 * 32]; int x; int y; int w; int h; }; static struct cursor g_mcursor; /* current mouse */ static int g_mouse_x = 0; static int g_mouse_y = 0; static int g_wfpx = 0; /* wait for pixel stuff */ static int g_wfpy = 0; static int g_wfpv = 0; static int g_show_wfp = 0; static int g_no_draw = 0; /* this means don't draw the screen but draw on backingstore */ /* for transparent colour */ static int g_use_trans = 0; static int g_trans_colour = 0; /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_error(char * msg) { printf(msg); } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_warning(char * msg) { printf(msg); } /*****************************************************************************/ int mi_read_keyboard_state(void) { return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* returns non zero if ok */ int mi_create_window(void) { return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_update_screen(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ int mi_main_loop(void) { return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_add_to(int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { /* int right; int bottom; if (g_rect.h == 0 && g_rect.w == 0) { g_rect.x = x; g_rect.y = y; g_rect.w = cx; g_rect.h = cy; } else { right = g_rect.x + g_rect.w; bottom = g_rect.y + g_rect.h; if (x + cx > right) { right = x + cx; } if (y + cy > bottom) { bottom = y + cy; } if (x < g_rect.x) { g_rect.x = x; } if (y < g_rect.y) { g_rect.y = y; } g_rect.w = right - g_rect.x; g_rect.h = bottom - g_rect.y; } */ } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_invalidate(int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { mi_add_to(x, y, cx, cy); mi_update_screen(); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* return boolean */ int mi_create_bs(void) { return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_begin_update(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_end_update(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_fill_rect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int colour) { if (g_no_draw) { return; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int colour) { if (g_no_draw) { return; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_screen_copy(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy) { if (g_no_draw) { return; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_set_clip(int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_reset_clip(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void * mi_create_cursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int width, int height, unsigned char * andmask, unsigned char * xormask) { return (void *) 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_destroy_cursor(void * cursor) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_set_cursor(void * cursor) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void mi_set_null_cursor(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ static void out_params(void) { fprintf(stderr, "rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Version 1.4.1. Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Matt Chapman.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "direct framebuffer uiport by Jay Sorg\n"); fprintf(stderr, "See http://www.rdesktop.org/ for more information.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dfbrdesktop [options] server\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -u: user name\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n: client hostname\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s: shell\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p: password\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d: domain\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c: working directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -a: colour depth\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -wfp x y pixel: skip screen updates till x, y pixel is \ this colour\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -trans pixel: transparent colour\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int parse_parameters(int in_argc, char ** in_argv) { int i; if (in_argc <= 1) { out_params(); return 0; } for (i = 1; i < in_argc; i++) { strcpy(g_servername, in_argv[i]); if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-h") == 0) { out_params(); return 0; } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-u") == 0) { strcpy(g_username, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-n") == 0) { strcpy(g_hostname, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-s") == 0) { strcpy(g_shell, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-p") == 0) { strcpy(g_password, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-d") == 0) { strcpy(g_domain, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-c") == 0) { strcpy(g_directory, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-a") == 0) { g_server_depth = atoi(in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-wfp") == 0) { g_wfpx = atoi(in_argv[i + 1]); g_wfpy = atoi(in_argv[i + 2]); g_wfpv = atoi(in_argv[i + 3]); if (g_wfpv == 0) { g_show_wfp = 1; } else { g_no_draw = 1; } } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-trans") == 0) { g_use_trans = 1; g_trans_colour = atoi(in_argv[i + 1]); } } return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int rv; rv = 0; return rv; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* returns non zero ok */ int librdesktop_init(long obj1, long obj2, long obj3, int in_argc, char ** in_argv) { return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* returns non zero ok */ int librdesktop_connect(void) { return ui_lib_main(); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* returns non zero ok */ int librdesktop_check_wire(void) { fd_set rfds; int rv; int fd; struct timeval tv; fd = g_tcp_sck; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(g_tcp_sck, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; rv = select(fd + 1, &rfds, 0, 0, &tv); if (rv > -1) { if (rv > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(g_tcp_sck, &rfds)) { if (!ui_read_wire()) { return 0; } } } } return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ int librdesktop_mouse_move(int x, int y) { ui_mouse_move(x, y); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int librdesktop_mouse_button(int button, int x, int y, int down) { ui_mouse_button(button, x, y, down); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int librdesktop_key_down(int key, int ext) { ui_key_down(key, ext); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int librdesktop_key_up(int key, int ext) { ui_key_up(key, ext); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int librdesktop_quit(void) { return 1; }