/** * xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server. * * Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2019 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * MS-RDPEAI * */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include "os_calls.h" #include "chansrv.h" #include "log.h" #include "xrdp_constants.h" #include "fifo.h" #define MSG_SNDIN_VERSION 1 #define MSG_SNDIN_FORMATS 2 #define MSG_SNDIN_OPEN 3 #define MSG_SNDIN_OPEN_REPLY 4 #define MSG_SNDIN_DATA_INCOMING 5 #define MSG_SNDIN_DATA 6 #define MSG_SNDIN_FORMATCHANGE 7 #define AUDIN_VERSION 0x00000001 #define AUDIN_NAME "AUDIO_INPUT" #define AUDIN_FLAGS 1 /* WTS_CHANNEL_OPTION_DYNAMIC */ extern FIFO g_in_fifo; /* in sound.c */ extern int g_bytes_in_fifo; /* in sound.c */ struct xr_wave_format_ex { int wFormatTag; int nChannels; int nSamplesPerSec; int nAvgBytesPerSec; int nBlockAlign; int wBitsPerSample; int cbSize; uint8_t *data; }; static uint8_t g_pcm_44100_data[] = { 0 }; static struct xr_wave_format_ex g_pcm_44100 = { WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, /* wFormatTag */ 2, /* num of channels */ 44100, /* samples per sec */ 176400, /* avg bytes per sec */ 4, /* block align */ 16, /* bits per sample */ 0, /* data size */ g_pcm_44100_data /* data */ }; static struct chansrv_drdynvc_procs g_audin_info; static int g_audin_chanid; static struct stream *g_in_s; static struct xr_wave_format_ex *g_server_formats[] = { &g_pcm_44100, NULL }; static struct xr_wave_format_ex **g_client_formats = NULL; static int g_current_format = 0; /* index in g_client_formats */ /*****************************************************************************/ static int cleanup_client_formats(void) { int index; if (g_client_formats == NULL) { return 0; } index = 0; while (g_client_formats[index] != NULL) { g_free(g_client_formats[index]->data); g_free(g_client_formats[index]); index++; } g_free(g_client_formats); g_client_formats = NULL; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_send_version(int chan_id) { int error; int bytes; struct stream *s; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_send_version:"); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 32); out_uint8(s, MSG_SNDIN_VERSION); out_uint32_le(s, AUDIN_VERSION); s_mark_end(s); bytes = (int) (s->end - s->data); error = chansrv_drdynvc_data(chan_id, s->data, bytes); free_stream(s); return error; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_send_formats(int chan_id) { int error; int bytes; int num_formats; int index; struct stream *s; struct xr_wave_format_ex *wf; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_send_formats:"); num_formats = sizeof(g_server_formats) / sizeof(g_server_formats[0]) - 1; make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 8192 * num_formats); out_uint8(s, MSG_SNDIN_FORMATS); out_uint32_le(s, num_formats); out_uint32_le(s, 0); /* cbSizeFormatsPacket */ for (index = 0; index < num_formats; index++) { wf = g_server_formats[index]; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_send_formats: sending format wFormatTag 0x%4.4x " "nChannels %d nSamplesPerSec %d", wf->wFormatTag, wf->nChannels, wf->nSamplesPerSec); out_uint16_le(s, wf->wFormatTag); out_uint16_le(s, wf->nChannels); out_uint32_le(s, wf->nSamplesPerSec); out_uint32_le(s, wf->nAvgBytesPerSec); out_uint16_le(s, wf->nBlockAlign); out_uint16_le(s, wf->wBitsPerSample); out_uint16_le(s, wf->cbSize); if (wf->cbSize > 0) { out_uint8p(s, wf->data, wf->cbSize); } } s_mark_end(s); bytes = (int) (s->end - s->data); error = chansrv_drdynvc_data(chan_id, s->data, bytes); free_stream(s); return error; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_send_open(int chan_id) { int error; int bytes; struct stream *s; struct xr_wave_format_ex *wf; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_send_open:"); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, 8192); out_uint8(s, MSG_SNDIN_OPEN); out_uint32_le(s, 2048); /* FramesPerPacket */ out_uint32_le(s, g_current_format); /* initialFormat */ wf = g_client_formats[g_current_format]; out_uint16_le(s, wf->wFormatTag); out_uint16_le(s, wf->nChannels); out_uint32_le(s, wf->nSamplesPerSec); out_uint32_le(s, wf->nAvgBytesPerSec); out_uint16_le(s, wf->nBlockAlign); out_uint16_le(s, wf->wBitsPerSample); bytes = wf->cbSize; out_uint16_le(s, bytes); if (bytes > 0) { out_uint8p(s, wf->data, bytes); } s_mark_end(s); bytes = (int) (s->end - s->data); error = chansrv_drdynvc_data(chan_id, s->data, bytes); free_stream(s); return error; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_version(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { int version; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_version:"); if (!s_check_rem(s, 4)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_version: parse error"); return 1; } in_uint32_le(s, version); LOG(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_version: version %d", version); return audin_send_formats(chan_id); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_formats(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { int index; int num_formats; struct xr_wave_format_ex *wf; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_formats:"); cleanup_client_formats(); if (!s_check_rem(s, 8)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_formats: parse error"); return 1; } in_uint32_le(s, num_formats); in_uint8s(s, 4); /* cbSizeFormatsPacket */ g_client_formats = g_new0(struct xr_wave_format_ex *, num_formats + 1); for (index = 0; index < num_formats; index++) { if (!s_check_rem(s, 18)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_formats: parse error"); return 1; } wf = g_new0(struct xr_wave_format_ex, 1); g_client_formats[index] = wf; in_uint16_le(s, wf->wFormatTag); in_uint16_le(s, wf->nChannels); in_uint32_le(s, wf->nSamplesPerSec); in_uint32_le(s, wf->nAvgBytesPerSec); in_uint16_le(s, wf->nBlockAlign); in_uint16_le(s, wf->wBitsPerSample); in_uint16_le(s, wf->cbSize); LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_formats: recved format wFormatTag 0x%4.4x " "nChannels %d nSamplesPerSec %d", wf->wFormatTag, wf->nChannels, wf->nSamplesPerSec); if (wf->cbSize > 0) { if (!s_check_rem(s, wf->cbSize)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_formats: parse error"); return 1; } wf->data = g_new0(uint8_t, wf->cbSize); in_uint8a(s, wf->data, wf->cbSize); } } audin_send_open(chan_id); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_open_reply(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { int result; if (!s_check_rem(s, 4)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_open_reply: parse error"); return 1; } in_uint32_le(s, result); LOG(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_open_reply: result 0x%8.8x", result); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_incoming_data(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_process_incoming_data:"); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_data(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { int data_bytes; struct stream *ls; data_bytes = (int) (s->end - s->p); LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_process_data: data_bytes %d", data_bytes); xstream_new(ls, data_bytes); g_memcpy(ls->data, s->p, data_bytes); ls->p += data_bytes; s_mark_end(ls); fifo_insert(&g_in_fifo, (void *) ls); g_bytes_in_fifo += data_bytes; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_format_change(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_format_change:"); if (!s_check_rem(s, 4)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_format_change: parse error"); return 1; } in_uint32_le(s, g_current_format); LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_process_format_change: g_current_format %d", g_current_format); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_process_msg(int chan_id, struct stream *s) { int code; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_process_msg:"); if (!s_check_rem(s, 1)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_msg: parse error"); return 1; } in_uint8(s, code); LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_process_msg: code %d", code); switch (code) { case MSG_SNDIN_VERSION: return audin_process_version(chan_id, s); case MSG_SNDIN_FORMATS: return audin_process_formats(chan_id, s); case MSG_SNDIN_OPEN_REPLY: return audin_process_open_reply(chan_id, s); case MSG_SNDIN_DATA_INCOMING: return audin_process_incoming_data(chan_id, s); case MSG_SNDIN_DATA: return audin_process_data(chan_id, s); case MSG_SNDIN_FORMATCHANGE: return audin_process_format_change(chan_id, s); default: LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_process_msg: unprocessed code %d", code); break; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_open_response(int chan_id, int creation_status) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_open_response: creation_status 0x%8.8x", creation_status); if (creation_status == 0) { return audin_send_version(chan_id); } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_close_response(int chan_id) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_close_response:"); g_audin_chanid = 0; cleanup_client_formats(); free_stream(g_in_s); g_in_s = NULL; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_data_fragment(int chan_id, char *data, int bytes) { int rv; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_data_fragment:"); if (!s_check_rem(g_in_s, bytes)) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_data_fragment: error bytes %d left %d", bytes, (int) (g_in_s->end - g_in_s->p)); return 1; } out_uint8a(g_in_s, data, bytes); if (g_in_s->p == g_in_s->end) { g_in_s->p = g_in_s->data; rv = audin_process_msg(chan_id, g_in_s); free_stream(g_in_s); g_in_s = NULL; return rv; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_data_first(int chan_id, char *data, int bytes, int total_bytes) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_data_first:"); if (g_in_s != NULL) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_data_first: warning g_in_s is not nil"); free_stream(g_in_s); } make_stream(g_in_s); init_stream(g_in_s, total_bytes); g_in_s->end = g_in_s->data + total_bytes; return audin_data_fragment(chan_id, data, bytes); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int audin_data(int chan_id, char *data, int bytes) { struct stream ls; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "audin_data:"); //g_hexdump(data, bytes); if (g_in_s == NULL) { g_memset(&ls, 0, sizeof(ls)); ls.data = data; ls.p = ls.data; ls.end = ls.p + bytes; return audin_process_msg(chan_id, &ls); } return audin_data_fragment(chan_id, data, bytes); } /*****************************************************************************/ int audin_init(void) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_init:"); g_memset(&g_audin_info, 0, sizeof(g_audin_info)); g_audin_info.open_response = audin_open_response; g_audin_info.close_response = audin_close_response; g_audin_info.data_first = audin_data_first; g_audin_info.data = audin_data; g_audin_chanid = 0; g_in_s = NULL; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int audin_deinit(void) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_deinit:"); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int audin_start(void) { int error; struct stream* s; LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_start:"); if (g_audin_chanid != 0) { return 1; } /* if there is any data in FIFO, discard it */ while ((s = (struct stream *) fifo_remove(&g_in_fifo)) != NULL) { xstream_free(s); } g_bytes_in_fifo = 0; error = chansrv_drdynvc_open(AUDIN_NAME, AUDIN_FLAGS, &g_audin_info, /* callback functions */ &g_audin_chanid); /* chansrv chan_id */ LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "audin_start: error %d g_audin_chanid %d", error, g_audin_chanid); return error; } /*****************************************************************************/ int audin_stop(void) { LOG_DEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "audin_stop:"); chansrv_drdynvc_close(g_audin_chanid); return 0; }