
162 lines
22 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

const scirptName = "百度贴吧";
const batchSize = 20;
const retries = 10; // 签到失败重试次数
const interval = 5000; // 每次重试间隔
const tiebaCookieKey = "tieba_checkin_cookie";
const tiebeGetCookieRegex1 = /https?:\/\/(c\.tieba\.baidu\.com|180\.97\.\d+\.\d+)\/c\/s\/login/;
const tiebeGetCookieRegex2 = /^https?:\/\/c\.tieba\.baidu\.com\/c\/s\/channelIconConfig/;
const tiebeGetCookieRegex3 = /https?:\/\/tiebac\.baidu\.com\/c\/u\/follow\/getFoldedMessageUserInfo/;
let magicJS = MagicJS(scirptName, "DEBUG");
magicJS.unifiedPushUrl ="tieba_unified_push_url") ||"magicjs_unified_push_url");
let getTiebaListOptions = {
url: "",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"Referer": "",
"Cookie": "",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/16A366",
body: "",
let tiebaCheckInOptions = {
url: "",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate,br",
"Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Cookie": "",
"Host": "",
"Referer": "",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.135 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.63",
body: "",
function GetTieBaList(cookie) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getTiebaListOptions.headers.Cookie = cookie;
magicJS.get(getTiebaListOptions, (err, resp, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(data);
if (obj.error === "success") {
} else {
} catch (err) {
function TiebaCheckIn(cookie, tbs, tieba) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let kw = tieba["forum_name"];
if (tieba["is_sign"] === 1) {
resolve(`[${kw}] 重复签到`);
} else {
tiebaCheckInOptions.headers.Cookie = cookie;
tiebaCheckInOptions.body = `tbs=${tbs}&kw=${kw}&ie=utf-8`;, (err, resp, data) => {
if (err) {
magicJS.logError(`[${kw}] 签到失败,请求异常:${err}`);
} else {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(data);
if ( === "success" && === 0 && === 1) {
let msg = `[${kw}] 签到成功 排名 ${} 积分 ${}`;
} else if ( === 2150040) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] need vcode接口响应${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 签到失败need vcode`);
} else if ( === 1011) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] 未加入此吧或等级不够,接口响应:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 未加入此吧或等级不够`);
} else if ( === 1102) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] 签到过快,接口响应:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 签到过快`);
} else if ( === 1101) {
magicJS.logDebug(`[${kw}] 重复签到,接口响应:${data}`);
resolve(`[${kw}] 重复签到`);
} else {
magicJS.logWarning(`[${kw}] 签到失败,接口响应不合法:${data}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 签到失败`);
} catch (err) {
magicJS.logError(`${kw} 签到失败,执行异常:${err}`);
reject(`[${kw}] 执行异常`);
(async () => {
if (magicJS.isRequest && (tiebeGetCookieRegex1.test(magicJS.request.url) ||
tiebeGetCookieRegex2.test(magicJS.request.url) ||
tiebeGetCookieRegex3.test(magicJS.request.url))) {
let cookie = magicJS.request.headers.Cookie;
let hisCookie =;
if (!!cookie && cookie === hisCookie) {
} else if (!!cookie && cookie !== hisCookie) {
magicJS.write(tiebaCookieKey, cookie);
} else {
} else {
let cookie =;
let content = "🥺很遗憾,以下贴吧签到失败:";
if (!!cookie === false) {
} else {
let [tbs, tiebaList] = await magicJS.retry(GetTieBaList, retries, interval)(cookie);
let tiebaCount = tiebaList.length;
let cycleNumber = Math.ceil(tiebaList.length / batchSize);
let [success, failed] = [0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < cycleNumber; i++) {
let batchTiebaPromise = [];
let batchTiebaList = tiebaList.splice(0, batchSize);
for (let tieba of batchTiebaList) {
batchTiebaPromise.push(magicJS.attempt(magicJS.retry(TiebaCheckIn, retries, interval)(cookie, tbs, tieba)));
await Promise.all(batchTiebaPromise).then((result) => {
result.forEach((element) => {
if (element[0] !== null) {
failed += 1;
content += `\n${element[0]}`;
} else {
success += 1;
magicJS.notify(scirptName, `签到${tiebaCount}个,成功${success}个,失败${failed}`, !!failed > 0 ? content : "🎉恭喜,所有贴吧签到成功!!");
// prettier-ignore
function MagicJS(scriptName = "MagicJS", logLevel = "INFO") { return new class { constructor() { if (this.version = "", this.scriptName = scriptName, this.logLevels = { DEBUG: 5, INFO: 4, NOTIFY: 3, WARNING: 2, ERROR: 1, CRITICAL: 0, NONE: -1 }, this.isLoon = "undefined" != typeof $loon, this.isQuanX = "undefined" != typeof $task, this.isJSBox = "undefined" != typeof $drive, this.isNode = "undefined" != typeof module && !this.isJSBox, this.isSurge = "undefined" != typeof $httpClient && !this.isLoon, this.node = { request: void 0, fs: void 0, data: {} }, this.iOSUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1", this.pcUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.59", this.logLevel = logLevel, this._barkUrl = "", this.isNode) { this.node.fs = require("fs"), this.node.request = require("request"); try { this.node.fs.accessSync("./magic.json", this.node.fs.constants.R_OK | this.node.fs.constants.W_OK) } catch (err) { this.node.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", "{}", { encoding: "utf8" }) } = require("./magic.json") } else this.isJSBox && ($file.exists("drive://MagicJS") || $file.mkdir("drive://MagicJS"), $file.exists("drive://MagicJS/magic.json") || $file.write({ data: $data({ string: "{}" }), path: "drive://MagicJS/magic.json" })) } set barkUrl(url) { this._barkUrl = url.replace(/\/+$/g, "") } set logLevel(level) { this._logLevel = "string" == typeof level ? level.toUpperCase() : "DEBUG" } get logLevel() { return this._logLevel } get isRequest() { return "undefined" != typeof $request && "undefined" == typeof $response } get isResponse() { return "undefined" != typeof $response } get request() { return "undefined" != typeof $request ? $request : void 0 } get response() { return "undefined" != typeof $response ? ($response.hasOwnProperty("status") && ($response.statusCode = $response.status), $response.hasOwnProperty("statusCode") && ($response.status = $response.statusCode), $response) : void 0 } get platform() { return this.isSurge ? "Surge" : this.isQuanX ? "Quantumult X" : this.isLoon ? "Loon" : this.isJSBox ? "JSBox" : this.isNode ? "Node.js" : "Unknown" } read(key, session = "") { let val = ""; this.isSurge || this.isLoon ? val = $ : this.isQuanX ? val = $prefs.valueForKey(key) : this.isNode ? val = : this.isJSBox && (val = $"drive://MagicJS/magic.json").string); try { this.isNode && (val = val[key]), this.isJSBox && (val = JSON.parse(val)[key]), session && ("string" == typeof val && (val = JSON.parse(val)), val = val && "object" == typeof val ? val[session] : null) } catch (err) { this.logError(err), val = session ? {} : null, this.del(key) } void 0 === val && (val = null); try { val && "string" == typeof val && (val = JSON.parse(val)) } catch (err) { } return this.logDebug(`READ DATA [${key}]${session ? `[${session}]` : ""}(${typeof val})\n${JSON.stringify(val)}`), val } write(key, val, session = "") { let data = session ? {} : ""; if (session && (this.isSurge || this.isLoon) ? data = $ : session && this.isQuanX ? data = $prefs.valueForKey(key) : this.isNode ? data = : this.isJSBox && (data = JSON.parse($"drive://MagicJS/magic.json").string)), session) { try { "string" == typeof data && (data = JSON.parse(data)), data = "object" == typeof data && data ? data : {} } catch (err) { this.logError(err), this.del(key), data = {} } this.isJSBox || this.isNode ? (data[key] && "object" == typeof data[key] || (data[key] = {}), data[key].hasOwnProperty(session) || (data[key][session] = null), void 0 === val ? delete data[key][session] : data[key][session] = val) : void 0 === val ? delete data[session] : data[session] = val } else this.isNode || this.isJSBox ? void 0 === val ? delete data[key] : data[key] = val : data = void 0 === val ? null : val; "object" == typeof data && (data = JSON.stringify(data)), this.isSurge || this.isLoon ? $persistentStore.write(data, key) : this.isQuanX ? $prefs.setValueForKey(data, key) : this.isNode ? this.node.fs.writeFileSync("./magic.json", data) : this.isJSBox && $file.write({ data: $data({ string: data }), path: "drive://MagicJS/magic.json" }), this.logDebug(`WRITE DATA [${key}]${session ? `[${session}]` : ""}(${typeof val})\n${JSON.stringify(val)}`) } del(key, session = "") { this.logDebug(`DELETE KEY [${key}]${session ? `[${session}]` : ""}`), this.write(key, null, session) } notify(title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = "", opts = "") { let convertOptions; if (opts = (_opts => { let newOpts = {}; if ("string" == typeof _opts) this.isLoon ? newOpts = { openUrl: _opts } : this.isQuanX ? newOpts = { "open-url": _opts } : this.isSurge && (newOpts = { url: _opts }); else if ("object" == typeof _opts) if (this.isLoon) newOpts.openUrl = _opts["open-url"] ? _opts["open-url"] : "", newOpts.mediaUrl = _opts["media-url"] ? _opts["media-url"] : ""; else if (this.isQuanX) newOpts = _opts["open-url"] || _opts["media-url"] ? _opts : {}; else if (this.isSurge) { let openUrl = _opts["open-url"] || _opts.openUrl; newOpts = openUrl ? { url: openUrl } : {} } return newOpts })(opts), 1 == arguments.length && (title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = arguments[0]), this.logNotify(`title:${title}\nsubTitle:${subTitle}\nbody:${body}\noptions:${"object" == typeof opts ? JSON.stringify(opts) : opts}`), this.isSurge) $, subTitle, body, opts); else if (this.isLoon) opts ? $, subTitle, body, opts) : $, subTitle, body); else if (this.isQuanX) $notify(title, subTitle, body, opts); else if (this.isNode) { if (this._barkUrl) { let content = encodeURI(`${title}/${subTitle}\n${body}`); this.get(`${this._barkUrl}/${content}`, () => { }) } } else if (this.isJSBox) { let push = { title: title, body: subTitle ? `${subTitle}\n${body}` : body }; $push.schedule(push) } } notifyDebug(title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = "", opts = "") { "DEBUG" === this.logLevel && (1 == arguments.length && (title = this.scriptName, subTitle = "", body = arguments[0]), this.notify(title, subTitle, body, opts)) } log(msg, level = "INFO") { this.logLevels[this._logLevel] < this.logLevels[level.toUpperCase()] || console.log(`[${level}] [${this.scriptName}]\n${msg}\n`) } logDebug(msg) { this.log(msg, "DEBUG") } logInfo(msg) { this.log(msg, "INFO") } logNotify(msg) { this.log(msg, "NOTIFY") } logWarning(msg) { this.log(msg, "WARNING") } logError(msg) { this.log(msg, "ERROR") } logRetry(msg) { this.log(msg, "RETRY") } adapterHttpOptions(options, method) { let _options = "object" == typeof options ? Object.assign({}, options) : { url: options, headers: {} }; _options.hasOwnProperty("header") && !_options.hasOwnProperty("headers") && (_options.headers = _options.header, delete _options.header); const headersMap = { accept: "Accept", "accept-ch": "Accept-CH", "accept-charset": "Accept-Charset", "accept-features": "Accept-Features", "accept-encoding": "Accept-Encoding", "accept-language": "Accept-Language", "accept-ranges": "Accept-Ranges", "access-control-allow-credentials": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "access-control-allow-origin": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "access-control-allow-methods": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "access-control-allow-headers": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "access-control-max-age": "Access-Control-Max-Age", "access-control-expose-headers": "Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "access-control-request-method": "Access-Control-Request-Method", "access-control-request-headers": "Access-Control-Request-Headers", age: "Age", allow: "Allow", alternates: "Alternates", authorization: "Authorization", "cache-control": "Cache-Control", connection: "Connection", "content-encoding": "Content-Encoding", "content-language": "Content-Language", "content-length": "Content-Length", "content-location": "Content-Location", "content-md5": "Content-MD5", "content-range": "Content-Range", "content-security-policy": "Content-Security-Policy", "content-type": "Content-Type", cookie: "Cookie", dnt: "DNT", date: "Date", etag: "ETag", expect: "Expect", expires: "Expires", from: "From", host: "Host", "if-match": "If-Match", "if-modified-since": "If-Modified-Since", "if-none-match": "If-None-Match", "if-range": "If-Range", "if-unmodified-since": "If-Unmodified-Since", "last-event-id": "Last-Event-ID", "last-modified": "Last-Modified", link: "Link", location: "Location", "max-forwards": "Max-Forwards", negotiate: "Negotiate", origin: "Origin", pragma: "Pragma", "proxy-authenticate": "Proxy-Authenticate", "proxy-authorization": "Proxy-Authorization", range: "Range", referer: "Referer", "retry-after": "Retry-After", "sec-websocket-extensions": "Sec-Websocket-Extensions", "sec-websocket-key": "Sec-Websocket-Key", "sec-websocket-origin": "Sec-Websocket-Origin", "sec-websocket-protocol": "Sec-Websocket-Protocol", "sec-websocket-version": "Sec-Websocket-Version", server: "Server", "set-cookie": "Set-Cookie", "set-cookie2": "Set-Cookie2", "strict-transport-security": "Strict-Transport-Security", tcn: "TCN", te: "TE", trailer: "Trailer", "transfer-encoding": "Transfer-Encoding", upgrade: "Upgrade", "user-agent": "User-Agent", "variant-vary": "Variant-Vary", vary: "Vary", via: "Via", warning: "Warning", "www-authenticate": "WWW-Authenticate", "x-content-duration": "X-Content-Duration", "x-content-security-policy": "X-Content-Security-Policy", "x-dnsprefetch-control": "X-DNSPrefetch-Control", "x-frame-options": "X-Frame-Options", "x-requested-with": "X-Requested-With", "x-surge-skip-scripting": "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting" }; if ("object" == typeof _options.headers) for (let key in _options.headers) headersMap[key] && (_options.headers[headersMap[key]] = _options.headers[key], delete _options.headers[key]); _options.headers && "object" == typeof _options.headers && _options.headers["User-Agent"] || (_options.headers && "object" == typeof _options.headers || (_options.headers = {}), this.isNode ? _options.headers["User-Agent"] = this.pcUserAgent : _options.headers["User-Agent"] = this.iOSUserAgent); let skipScripting = !1; if (("object" == typeof _options.opts && (!0 === _options.opts.hints || !0 === _options.opts["Skip-Scripting"]) || "object" == typeof _options.headers && !0 === _options.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"]) && (skipScripting = !0), skipScripting || (this.isSurge ? _options.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"] = !1 : this.isLoon ? _options.headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest" : this.isQuanX && ("object" != typeof _options.opts && (_options.opts = {}), _options.opts.hints = !1)), this.isSurge && !skipScripting || delete _options.headers["X-Surge-Skip-Scripting"], !this.isQuanX && _options.hasOwnProperty("opts") && delete _options.opts, this.isQuanX && _options.hasOwnProperty("opts") && delete _options.opts["Skip-Scripting"], "GET" === method && !this.isNode && _options.body) { let qs = Object.keys(_options.body).map(key => void 0 === _options.body ? "" : `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(_options.body[key])}`).join("&"); _options.url.indexOf("?") < 0 && (_options.url += "?"), _options.url.lastIndexOf("&") + 1 != _options.url.length && _options.url.lastIndexOf("?") + 1 != _options.url.length && (_options.url += "&"), _options.url += qs, delete _options.body } return this.isQuanX ? (_options.hasOwnProperty("body") && "string" != typeof _options.body && (_options.body = JSON.stringify(_options.body)), _options.method = method) : this.isNode ? (delete _options.headers["Accept-Encoding"], "object" == typeof _options.body && ("GET" === method ? (_options.qs = _options.body, delete _options.body) : "POST" === method && (_options.json = !0, _options.body = _options.body))) : this.isJSBox && (_options.header = _options.headers, delete _options.headers), _options } adapterHttpResponse(resp) { let _resp = { body: resp.body, headers: resp.headers, json: () => JSON.parse(_resp.body) }; return resp.hasOwnProperty("statusCode") && resp.statusCode && (_resp.status = resp.statusCode), _resp } get(options, callback) { let _options = this.adapterHttpOptions(options, "GET"); this.logDebug(`HTTP GET: ${JSON.stringify(_options)}`), this.isSurge || this.isLoon ? $httpClient.get(_options, callback) : this.isQuanX ? $task.fetch(_options).then(resp => { resp.status = resp.statusCode, callback(null, resp, resp.body) }, reason => callback(reason.error, null, null)) : this.isNode ? this.node.request.get(_options, (err, resp, data) => { resp = this.adapterHttpResponse(resp), callback(err, resp, data) }) : this.isJSBox && (_options.handler = resp => { let err = resp.error ? JSON.stringify(resp.error) : void 0, data = "object" == typeof ? JSON.stringify( :; callback(err, resp.response, data) }, $http.get(_options)) } getPromise(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { magicJS.get(options, (err, resp) => { err ? reject(err) : resolve(resp) }) }) } post(options, callback) { let _options = this.adapterHttpOptions(options, "POST"); if (this.logDebug(`HTTP POST: ${JSON.stringify(_options)}`), this.isSurge || this.isLoon) $, callback); else if (this.isQuanX) $task.fetch(_options).then(resp => { resp.status = resp.statusCode, callback(null, resp, resp.body) }, reason => { callback(reason.error, null, null) }); else if (this.isNode) { let resp =, callback); resp.status = resp.statusCode, delete resp.statusCode } else this.isJSBox && (_options.handler = resp => { let err = resp.error ? JSON.stringify(resp.error) : void 0, data = "object" == typeof ? JSON.stringify( :; callback(err, resp.response, data) }, $ } get http() { return { get: this.getPromise, post: } } done(value = {}) { "undefined" != typeof $done && $done(value) } isToday(day) { if (null == day) return !1; { let today = new Date; return "string" == typeof day && (day = new Date(day)), today.getFullYear() == day.getFullYear() && today.getMonth() == day.getMonth() && today.getDay() == day.getDay() } } isNumber(val) { return "NaN" !== parseFloat(val).toString() } attempt(promise, defaultValue = null) { return promise.then(args => [null, args]).catch(ex => (this.logError(ex), [ex, defaultValue])) } retry(fn, retries = 5, interval = 0, callback = null) { return (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function _retry(...args) { Promise.resolve().then(() => fn.apply(this, args)).then(result => { "function" == typeof callback ? Promise.resolve().then(() => callback(result)).then(() => { resolve(result) }).catch(ex => { retries >= 1 ? interval > 0 ? setTimeout(() => _retry.apply(this, args), interval) : _retry.apply(this, args) : reject(ex), retries-- }) : resolve(result) }).catch(ex => { this.logRetry(ex), retries >= 1 && interval > 0 ? setTimeout(() => _retry.apply(this, args), interval) : retries >= 1 ? _retry.apply(this, args) : reject(ex), retries-- }) } _retry.apply(this, args) }) } formatTime(time, fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") { var o = { "M+": time.getMonth() + 1, "d+": time.getDate(), "h+": time.getHours(), "m+": time.getMinutes(), "s+": time.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((time.getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: time.getMilliseconds() }; /(y+)/.test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (time.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))); for (let k in o) new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); return fmt } now() { return this.formatTime(new Date, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") } today() { return this.formatTime(new Date, "yyyy-MM-dd") } sleep(time) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)) } }(scriptName) }